Understanding and Using WorkKeys Scores High School Students
2 Provide an overview of WorkKeys assessments Explain how WorkKeys scores are calculated and what they mean Explain the difference between Level Scores and Scale Scores Demonstrate how students can use their WorkKeys scores Provide you and your students with additional resources Introduction Webinar Objectives
3 WorkKeys Assessments
4 Work Readiness System Job Analysis Define Your Workforce Assessments Assess Your Workforce Training & Curriculum Develop Your Workforce Certification Certify Your Workforce Research & Analytics Understand Your Workforce
5 Applied Mathematics (NCRC) Locating Information (NCRC) Reading for Information (NCRC) Applied Technology Business Writing Listening for Understanding (WKIV only) Workplace Observation (WKIV only) Teamwork (Paper-and-Pencil only) Writing (Paper-and-Pencil only) Foundational Assessments
6 Fit Performance Talent (NCRC Plus) Soft Skills Assessments
7 NCRC Assessments Applied Mathematics Locating Information Reading for Information 80% of profiled jobs utilize all of these skills Numbers are based on analysis of 5,130 jobs profiled from 2007 to 2011 in the ACT JobPro database.
8 Understanding WorkKeys Scores
9 Determined by the total number of items answered correctly on the entire assessment No penalty for guessing How WorkKeys Scores Are Calculated
10 Level Scores indicate the skill level Each level includes a broad range of skills; link to skill level descriptions at: Each test has 4 or 5 levels There’s a range of raw (number correct) scores assigned to each level WorkKeys tests are not “pass” or “fail” Level Scores
11 Level Scores broken into smaller units Shows smaller increments of change over time Generally used to identify changes in scores from one testing time to another Scale Score Interpretation Guide: Scale Scores
12 Score Reports
13 WorkKeys Internet Version Score Report Name of test Level Score Level Score Range Scale Score Scale Score Range What Your Scores Mean How to Improve Skills
14 WorkKeys Internet Version Score Report
15 Memo to Examinee Paper-and-Pencil Score Report Name of test Level Score Level Score Range Scale Score What Your Scores Mean How to Improve Skills
16 Memo to Examinee Paper-and-Pencil Score Report
17 Memo to Examinee Paper-and-Pencil Score Report Scale Score Range
18 Memo to Examinee Paper-and-Pencil Score Report
19 Using WorkKeys Scores
20 Qualify for an NCRC Career exploration Employment Entrance to/exit from community college programs College credit How Students Can Use Their WorkKeys Scores
21 Evidence-based Industry-recognized Portable Used to document essential skills linked to workplace success Awarded at four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) The NCRC™ is a credential that is:
22 Level Score Requirements Certificate LevelLevel Score Requirements PlatinumMinimum score of 6 on each of the three tests GoldMinimum score of 5 on each of the three tests SilverMinimum score of 4 on each of the three tests BronzeMinimum score of 3 on each of the three tests The three tests to be taken for the NCRC are: Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information.
23 Job Qualification of Certificate Holders (Essential Foundational Skills) Platinum NCRCGold NCRCSilver NCRCBronze NCRC 99%93%69%17% Source: ACT JobPro Data Job Qualification of Certificate Holders
24 Percent of High School NCRC Qualifiers by NCRC Level
25 Review the WorkKeys skills needed for different careers Search for jobs by skill levels profiles.keytrain.com/profile_search/ For detailed information, attend the “Using the Occupational Profile Database” webinar: student.gototraining.com/1yx78/catalog/ student.gototraining.com/1yx78/catalog/ Career Exploration
26 The student should: –Include NCRC information and WorkKeys scores on résumés and job applications –Take this same information to job interviews Employers can see if a student possesses the skills needed for the job Employment – New Jobs
27 Skills may align better with another job May have the skills needed for an advanced job A happier worker? Employment – Current Job
28 Community colleges may require an NCRC prior to accepting students into a program Some require the NCRC prior to awarding a certificate/diploma Entrance to/Exit from Community College Programs
29 Include WorkKeys scores with college application The American Council of Education (ACE) has recommended the National Career Readiness Certificate for college credit: –Silver: 3 semester hours in applied critical thinking for vocational certificate programs –Gold or Platinum: 3 semester hours in applied critical thinking for lower-division baccalaureate or associate degree programs College Credit – ACE and the NCRC Recommendation for College Credit
30 According to studies conducted by the University of Michigan, 3 credit hours equates to between a 135- and 180-hour commitment by the individual The average community college credit hour costs in the vicinity of $150. The average cost of a credit hour at an in-state university is $350. This places the value of the NCRC and ACE’s endorsement between $450 and $1,050. College Credit – ACE and the NCRC What This Means to Students
31 The ACE College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT): Recommendation-Service-CREDIT.aspx Recommendation-Service-CREDIT.aspx The ACE National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training: www2.acenet.edu/credit/?fuseaction=browse.main www2.acenet.edu/credit/?fuseaction=browse.main ACE CREDIT – NCRC: www2.acenet.edu/credit/?fuseaction=browse.getOrganization Detail&FICE= www2.acenet.edu/credit/?fuseaction=browse.getOrganization Detail&FICE= College Credit – ACE and the NCRC Informational Websites
32 Additional Resources
33 Make scores and NCRC available to employers Keep track of their WorkKeys scores MyWorkKeys.com For more information, go to: MyWorkKeys.com
34 KeyTrain Look at Scale Scores Focus on areas of improvement How Can You Help?
35 KeyTrain website: Webinars: student.gototraining.com/1yx78/catalog/ student.gototraining.com/1yx78/catalog/ Contact information: –800.WORKKEY ( ) KeyTrain
36 ACT WorkKeys Information: Understanding WorkKeys Scores: Using Your WorkKeys Scores: Occupational Profile Database (Search Jobs by Skills): profiles.keytrain.com/profile_search/ profiles.keytrain.com/profile_search/ Additional Websites For Students and Educators
37 ACT Research Reports on Work Readiness: ACT WorkKeys Key Facts Information Briefs: Ready for College and Ready for Work: Same or Different?: Additional Websites For Educators
38 Provide an overview of WorkKeys assessments Explain how WorkKeys scores are calculated and what they mean Explain the difference between Level Scores and Scale Scores Demonstrate how students can use their WorkKeys scores Provide you and your students with additional resources Review Webinar Objectives
39 WorkKeys Contact Center –800.WORKKEY ( ) –Hours: Monday-Friday (except holidays): 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time) Saturday (except holiday weekends): 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Eastern time) For Information or Help…