Origins and Beliefs Sikhism was founded in the 16th century in the Punjab district of what is now India and Pakistan. It was founded by Guru Nanak and is based on his teachings, and those of the 9 Sikh gurus who followed him. Sikhs believe in one God who guides and protects them. They also believe that everyone is equal before God. Sikhism stresses the importance of doing good actions rather than merely carrying out rituals
Sikh Holy Book The Sikh scripture is a book called the Guru Granth Sahib. It was created by the 10 th and final guru, Guru Gobin Singh. He said that there would be no more living gurus but the book would act as a guru which means teacher. It is a collection of teachings from the Gurus. The holy book is kept on a raised platform under a canopy in the place of worship. Sikhs take off their shoes in the presence of the holy scriptures and also never turn their back on them.
The Place of Worship It is called the Gurdwara and is any place where the guru Granth Sahib is kept. Gurdwara translates as gateway to the guru. Sikh services are generally held on a Sunday in this country. They are based on the writings in the Guru Granth Sahib, together with chants and prayers from the Gurus known as Keertan.
The 5 K’s These are 5 physical symbols worn by Sikhs to show that they have been initiated into the Khalsa which is showing that you as a Sikh have dedicated yourself to the religion. They are: Kesh (uncut hair) – this is a symbol of holiness and strength Kara (a steel bracelet) – a symbol of restrain and gentility Kanga (a wooden comb) – symbolises a clean body and mind it also helps to keep the uncut hair neat and tidy Kaccha - also spelt, Kachh, Kachera (cotton underwear) – it is a symbol of chastity Kirpan (steel sword) – symbolises spirituality and the defence of good
Festivals Sikhs celebrate Vaisakhi which is the festival which celebrates Sikh New Year and the founding of the Sikh community, known as the Khalsa. Sikhs also celebrate Diwali which is known as the festival of lights. Diwali is particularly important for Sikhs because it celebrates the release from prison of the sixth guru, Guru Hargobind. It is celebrated by lighting up the golden temple in Amritsar.