Developing the National Capability for Integrated Border Management (IBM) in Lebanon One Year Visibility Event – 5 February 2014 European Union - Funded
1 Project Background Beneficiary Country - Republic of Lebanon Beneficiary Agencies – General Security, Customs, Lebanese Army, Internal Security Force Contracting Authority - Delegation of the EU to Lebanon Implementing Partner – International Centre for Migration Policy Development Contract Duration – 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2015
2 Objective Support to Lebanese authorities to secure and control borders in accordance with national and international Integrated Border Management (IBM) standards (Guidelines for IBM in EC External Cooperation and EU Customs Blueprints), thus: Increasing the security of its citizens Promoting facilitation of trade Promoting development Promoting human contact
3 Current Project Components and Areas of Work IBM Strategy Action Plan Standard Operating Procedures Contingency Plans Training Training delivery Unit development Strategy Equipment Identification, procurement, supply, installation Training Sustainability issues
4 EU IBM Guidance and Standards
5 Definition of Integrated Border Management National and international COORDINATION and COOPERATION Among all relevant authorities and agencies involved in border security and trade facilitation To establish effective, efficient and coordinated border management In order to reach the objective of open, but well controlled and secure borders
6 Cooperation & Coordination at 3 Inter-related Levels Intra-Agency Cooperation Integrated Border Management Inter-Agency Cooperation International Cooperation
7 IBM Key Areas Intra - agency, inter - agency and international cooperation in: Legal and regulatory framework Institutional framework Procedures Human resources and training Communication and information exchange Infrastructure and equipment
8 IBM Lebanon Project Methodology Thorough analysis of current situation based on international best practices Use of IBM expertise from Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, UK, Ukraine Regular dialogue with Lebanese border agencies and other stakeholders Proposal of best practice solutions based on Lebanese context Delivery of training and workshops; Conducting of study visit Drafting discussion and working documents
9 Needs Analysis Process Synchronised evaluation based on internationally recognised standards in order to: Analyse the current situation in IBM Key Areas at the beginning and at the end of the project Produce a baseline study and evaluation reports Identify and prioritise work areas to be addressed by IBM Lebanon Offer donors and beneficiaries a solid basis for designing and funding further assistance
10 Gap & Need Analysis Adoption of the IBM Guidelines as core reference Development and adoption of IBM Strategy, and associated Action Plan and Standard Operating Procedures IBM awareness-raising for all appropriate staff On-going/regular review of IBM alignment incorporated into agency and national mechanisms IBM to be gradually extended to include additional actors - state (Ministries, other agencies, etc) and non-state (such as carriers, public interest groups, etc)
11 Gap & Needs Analysis Developments of sustainable institutional solutions Facilitate potential for genuine mutual partnerships Joint activities/controls, shared equipment where possible Public awareness should be proactively developed Improved communication processes – internal and external Contingency planning to be expanded Equipment, Training and IT Needs Analyses to be conducted based on GNA
12 Equipment Needs Analysis Physical border control layout to assist traffic flow and examinations Power supplies/generation must be ensured Separation of examinations from normal traffic flow Training of trainers for equipment use (technical and operational) Maintenance and updates must be ensured Compatibility, familiarity, standardisation, neutrality when choosing equipment Links with manufacturers and suppliers must be made
13 Equipment Needs Analysis Training of trainers for equipment use (technical and operational) Equipment training embedded in overall training strategy and plan Maintenance and updates must be ensured Instruction and guidance manuals/DVD demonstrations made available Compatibility, familiarity, standardisation, neutrality when choosing equipment Links with manufacturers and suppliers must be made Local training network for LCPs and remote locations
14 Equipment to be Supplied Document examination laboratories ID document reading/verifying stations + software Portable document examination kits Portable document checking units Digital USB microscopes Fire & security safes
15 Equipment to be Supplied Fibrescope/borescope kits Desktop computers, workstation desks, operator chairs, UPS Telephone answering & recording system with software Multi-tool knives Floodlights, hand lamps & torches Handheld Geiger counter & radiation monitor
16 Equipment to be Supplied Traffic cones Steel control barriers Handheld metal detector wand Standard & low-light binoculars Digital laser meter Diesel power generator sets
17 Equipment – Outstanding Items Training unit equipment & drugs display cases Drug detection kits/precursor chemical detection kits Extra border management tools Vehicles ICT, communications networks CCTV Personal protection equipment/clothing
18 Training Needs Analysis Sustainable training development needs high-level support - national agencies and external providers Long-term institutional development must be priority An Interagency training working group should be established General Security and Customs must establish effective training models which successfully respond to needs within limitations of available resources Training equipment needs analysis to be conducted Training and trainers need higher profile
19 Training Needs Analysis Comprehensive pedagogical training and advice should be provided Detailed border task curricula to be further developed Development of routine joint/multi training Greater focus on training non-security aspects of IBM Significant mentoring of newly trained trainers Future assistance should consider training delivery/development a priority Training libraries should be created
20 IT Needs Analysis (General Security – specific) Establishment of stable, reliable, GS-owned communication network Border control IT system modernisation Feasibility study of scope & range of civil works at each LCP Software development closely dependent on communication network development Need for high degree of coherence between potential projects, with coordinated and simultaneous development taking place Strategic approach of IBM Lebanon could provide framework
21 Delivered Thus Far Project kick off (February 2013) IBM Awareness training (April 2013) Gap & Need Analysis (April – June 2013) Equipment Need Analysis (May 2013 – July 2013) Document Security training (June 2013) Training Needs Analysis (June – July 2013) Interviewing training (July 2013)
22 Delivered Thus Far IBM Strategy and Action Plan workshops (September 2013) Border Control Model workshop (October 2013) Training of Trainers (October – November 2013) IBM Strategy and Action Plan workshops (November 2013) Training unit development workshops (November 2013) IBM Strategy and Action Plan study visit (December 2013) IBM equipment procurement tender evaluation (January 2014)
23 Next Steps Document security training (Current) Training strategy development workshops (Current) IBM Lebanon website launch (Today) Trade/traffic facilitation workshop (March 2014) IT and communications needs analysis - General Security (March 2014) Equipment supply (Mar to Apr 2014) Advanced document security training (Apr 2014)
24 Next Steps Training development roadmap (April 2014) IBM training of trainers (April 2014) IBM Awareness training (April 2014) IBM Strategy and Action Plan study visit (May 2014) Development of partnerships with EU member state border agencies – Italian Customs Agencies, Royal Netherlands Marechausee, Croatian Border Police
25 Cooperation & Dialogue Minister of State - Border Mgt File General Security Customs Lebanese Army ISF Delegation of the European Union CDR Civil Defence CERSA SAROL Danish Assistance project German Assistance project French Assistance project British Assistance Project British Embassy Dutch Embassy Spanish Embassy Royal Netherlands Marechausee Japanese Embassy UNODC Equipment manufacturers IT and website specialists Italian Customs Agency UNHCR Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Trade