DIS INTERNACIONAL 2 DIS INTERNACIONAL is a company who is practically doyen in Macedonia in the field of designing, production and installation of containers and container settlements. Company deals with this activity almost twenty years and represents one of the rare companies whose activities are on highly professional level which basically is confirmed in rich list of references. Company in its own system contains all necessary segments for fulfillment of set tasks.
3 DISIGNING D E S I G N I N G All of the containers are given with some fix or variable requirements. Most often used are 20 ft ISO containers in which format with clearly specified dimensions we are designing all requirements of the Investors Fix container units - ISO containers are qualified as 10, 20 and 40 ft ISO containers. EVERY PROJECT STARTS WITH FIRST PHASE WHICH IS DESIGNING
4 OUR DESIGNING OFFICE develops and install all required elements on outer side of the container unit regarding doors and windows also interior design and equipment with needed elements such as beds, closets, AC units etc. D E S I G N I N G
5 Container units can be planed as individual objects, duplex, triplex or entire object with larger number of container units and in combination with an accommodation or office containers with sanitary or containers for other purposes. In any case, according to the Investors requirements, our company is ready to respond to all given tasks.
PRODUCTION 6 From the aspect of production of the container units, vital part takes production of steel frame construction. The same one should be performed in order to meet the standards for 20 ft ISO containers. Bearing capacity of the loads – floor 2.5 kN/sq.m, roof 1.5 kN/sq.m also for vertical upgrade of container units up to maximum three floors.
PRODUCTION 7 Complete process of production of phase – Construction, takes place at production capacities of the company
9 It’s clear that container units needs to be provided with anticorrosive protection for a period of at least 10 years, for which purpose we are using our capacities in a tunnel paint workshop.
PRODUCTION 10 The walls are industrial products, provided by our supplier’s depending on requirements of the Investors while the windows and the doors are from our own production.
TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION 11 Based on the fact that we are dealing with bulky products and where the transport costs are an important issue, accommodation and office container units can be transported in packages, which allows transport of the containers unit to specified location.
TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION 12 Sanitary containers and containers for special purposes are transporting previously installed and equipped, as two container units per one truck.
TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION 13 Directly at location for unloading and installation we are using necessary crane equipment also for manipulation at site.
TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION 14 As we have said before at the part of design, containers can stand up individually also they can be bound by horizontal in a smaller or larger objects while they can be installed also in vertical up to maximum three floors especially when we have a situation to install a larger number of container units on reduced space.
TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION 15 On this base’s we’ve built many different objects such as military camps, civil camps, working settlements, large number of police stations, schools, medical institutions and other objects which can be seen in our list of references
REFERENCE LIST REFERENCE LIST OF CONTAINERS 16 1.NORWEGIAN NSE KFOR – Accommodation settlements, composed of 527 container units, located on different locations in Macedonia and Kosovo 2. NORWEGIAN NSE KFOR – Restaurant with kitchen, composed of 47 container units, located at Banjski Rid, Petrovec, Macedonia 3. SPANISH NSE KFOR – Sanitary complex, composed of 22 container units, located at Petrovec, Macedonia 4. UNMIK/ KOSOVO POLICE DEPARTMENT– Police stations around territory of Kosovo, composed of 74 container units 5. UNMIK / MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION –Elementary schools at different locations in Kosovo, composed of 156 container units 6. DANISH CAMP SUPPLY – Canteen composed of 12 container unit, located at Lebane, Kosovo 7.DANISH CAMP SUPPLY -– Canteen composed of 8 container unit, located at Banjski Rid, Petrovec, Macedonia 8. POLISH NSE KFOR – Kitchen and dining room composed of 50 container units, located at Kachanik, Kosovo
REFERENCE LIST For other information you can visit our web site UNMIK / KOSOVO POLICE DEPARTMENT– Police station on three floors, composed of 105 container units, located at Prishtina, Kosovo 10. MISSION EULEX – Police stations composed of 200 container unit, locate at Mitrovica, Kosovo 11. MISSION EULEX – Medical facilities composed of 15 container units, location Kosovo 12. NNK PRISHTINA, KOSOVO – Temporary accommodation settlement for workers (reconstruction works) composed of 7 container units, located at Airport Slatina, Prishtina, Kosovo 13. RED CROSS MACEDONIA / RED CROSS THE CITY OF SKOPJE– Project,,Stations for daily care of homeless people,, location Skopje, Macedonia 14. TAV – Police checkpoint, location Airport St. Pavle and Apostol, Ohrid, Macedonia 15. TAV - Temporary accommodation settlement for workers, location Airport Alexander the Great in Skopje, Macedonia 16. Temporary accommodation settlement for workers location Strumica, building of project,,Purchasing center for fruits and vegetables,, for AGROKOR, Croatia