Letters Letter formats and purposes
Letters have many purposes To request information To make an order To make a claim To comply with requests To respond to orders To grant claims
Letters have a format Open directly, ask important questions first or express a polite command Follow with a body where you explain the request logically and courteously End with a closing that requests specific action with an end date and always show appreciation
Formats Block, begin all lines at the left margin Modified block, the date and the signature can be centered as well as paragraphs can be indented Simplified block, follows the salutation with a subject line, much like a memo, as well as centers the date and signature
Block More formal More polished For a more formal audience Leave standard margins of 1 inch or 2.5 centimeters Single space the body and double space between paragraphs Don’t indent paragraphs 895 North Main Street Bowling Green, OH February 16, 1994 Ms. Maria Reinaldo Customer Relations Ohio Telephone Company 133 Buckley Street Columbus, OH Dear Ms. Reinaldo: I received a collection notice from the Ohio Telephone Company on February 13, The letter states that I owe a past due balance from the September 16 to October 16 billing period in1993. The letter also states that my service will be disconnected unless I act immediately; however, I am now informing you for the second time that I paid that bill on January 1st, On January 15th, I received a call from one of your representatives about this matter, and I immediately told him that approximately two weeks ago I sent a check to your office for the due amount of $ Unfortunately, I failed to get his name. I am irritated that you have not taken care of this matter since I have the canceled check in my possession, and I am enclosing a copy of it herewith. I hope that this will settle the matter once and for all. Sincerely yours, Bill Moritz (419) Encl: copy of canceled check
Modified Block Less formal Less traditional More personal Center date and signature Indent paragraph beginnings 1 inch or 2.5 centimeter margins Addresser can also be centered Company Logo or Letterhead March 15, 2001 Mr. John Smith, Director of Operations SomeGroup Group SomeStreet Drive Sometown, VA Dear Mr. Smith : Thank you for your inquiry about Semi-Block format for letters. What follows is a quick summary of the format and the conventions it uses. Semi-block format or style is frequently called modified semi-block because it is a slightly less formal modification of full block format. This letter style places the date line in alignment with, or slightly to the right of dead center. Another option for placing the date line in semi-block is flush right. Similar to full block, semi-block places the inside address, salutation and any end notations flush with the left margin. However, unlike full block, each body paragraph of semi-block is indented five spaces. The complimentary close and signature block are aligned under the date. This page illustrates the spacing and layout of semi- block format. Both full block and semi-block formats generally contain all of the necessary parts of a letter. Sincerely yours, Dr. Sheila Carter-Tod English Instructor SCT/jm Enclosure
Simplified Block Informal Direct Impersonal Center date and signature Don’t indent paragraph beginnings Create a subject line to direct attention and create action PREPRINTED COMPANY LETTERHEAD Current Date Courtesy Title/First/Last Name Professional Title Company Name Mailing Address City, Province/State and code AMS SIMPLIFIED STYLE LETTER The Administrative Management Society recommends using a simplified arrangement for all letters, typed as follows: 1. Use block format. Type the address four lines below the date. Omit the salutation and complimentary close. 2. Always use a subject line, typed in ALL CAPS, on the second line below the address; double-space from the SUBJECT line to start the body of the letter. 3. Start enumerated items at the left margin; indent unnumbered items five spaces. 4. Type the writer’s name and title in ALL CAPS at least four lines below the body of the letter. Type reference initials (typist’s only) in lowercase a double space below the writer’s name. Separate enclosure notations, copy references, and postscripts (if used) by one blank line. Adopt a new letter format. The enclosed report shows the savings that result from using this style. WALTER T. EXECUTIVE, PRESIDENT Reference Initials Enclosure
Letter Assignment Use Simplified Block format Use appropriate language and tone Review the content to ensure it is placed properly Proofread and Revise Remember, what is it that you want? Letter Assignment Have you ever bought a product that work as promised? Have you been disappointed in service at a bank, video store, restaurant, or department store? Have you had ideas about how a company or organization could improve its image, service, or product? Remember that smart companies want to know what their customers think, especially if a product could be improved. Your task is to select a product or service that has disappointed you. Write a claim letter requesting a refund, replacement, explanation, or whatever seems reasonable. For claims about food products, be sure to include bar- code identification from the package, if possible. Your instructor may ask you to actually mail this letter. When you receive a response, share it with your class.