OUTLINE 1) INTRODUCTION 2) DISCUSSION AND INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS Listening Strategy Reading Strategy Speaking Strategy Writing Strategy Vocabulary Strategy Grammar Strategy 3. PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATION
INTRODUCTION (SELL-IN) Respondents: 10 students from Ungku Omar Polytechnic, Ipoh, Perak. Instrument: Online Questionnaire (Adapted from Cohen, Oxford and Chi’s Language Strategy Use Survey (2002) & Ali Gurata (2008) Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics (Percentages)
Strategies This strategy doesn’t fit for me I’ve never used this strategy but am interested in it I have tried this strategy and would use it again I use this strategy and like it I listen to talk shows on the radio, watch TV shows or movies in the target language. 10% (1) 10% (1) 20% (2) 60% (6) I look for associations between the sound of a word or phrase in the new language with the sound of a familiar word. 0% (0) 10% (1) 60% (6) 30% (3) I imitate the way native speakers talk. 20% (2) 10% (1) 60% (6) 10% (1) I try to understand what I hear without translating it word-for-word. 0% (0) 0% (0) 50% (5) 50% (5) I focus on the context of what people are saying. 0% (0) 0% (0) 30% (3) 70% (7) I listen for key words that seem to carry the bulk of the meaning. 0% (0) 20% (2) 40% (4) 40% (4) I listen for specific details to see whether I can understand them. 0% (0) 20% (2) 20% (2) 60% (6) I make educated guesses about the topic based on what has already been said. 0% (0) 10% (1) 50% (5) 40% (4)
INDICATED FEATURES STRATEGIESPERCENTAGEFEATURES I try to understand what I hear without translating it word-for-word. 100% understanding what they heard by using all the clues in context I focus on the context of what people are saying. 100% monitoring the speech of others I make educated guesses about the topic based on what has already been said. 90% willing to live with uncertainty
Strategies This strategy doesn’t fit for me I’ve never used this strategy but am interested in it I have tried this strategy and would use it again I use this strategy and like it I read as much as possible in the target language. 10% (1) 30% (3) 50% (5) 10% (1) I try to find things to read for pleasure in the target language. 0% (0) 30% (3) 50% (5) 20% (2) I plan out in advance how I'm going to read the text, monitor to see how I'm doing, and then check to see how much I understand. 0% (0) 10% (1) 50% (5) 40% (4) I skim an academic text first to get the main idea and then go back and read it more carefully. 0% (0) 20% (2) 70% (7) 10% (1) I make ongoing summaries of the reading either in my mind or in the margins of the text. 10% (1) 20% (2) 50% (5) 20% (2) I guess the approximate meaning by using clues from the context of the reading material. 0% (0) 20% (2) 50% (5) 30% (3) I use a target language dictionary to see how words are defined by means of other target language words. 0% (0) 30% (3) 30% (3) 40% (4) I use a bilingual dictionary to get a sense of what the equivalent word in my native language would be. 0% (0) 30% (3) 30% (3) 40% (4)
INDICATED FEATURES STRATEGIESPERCENTAGEFEATURES I plan out in advance how I'm going to read the text, monitor to see how I'm doing, and then check to see how much I understand. 90% able to organize their learning I guess the approximate meaning by using clues from the context of the reading material. 80% understand the meaning based on the contextual clues in the text I skim an academic text first to get the main idea and then go back and read it more carefully. 80% made use of the target language input
Strategies This strategy doesn’t fit for me I’ve never used this strategy but am interested in it I have tried this strategy and would use it again I use this strategy and like it I practice saying new expressions to myself. 0% (0) 20% (2) 30% (3) 50% (5) I practice new grammatical structures in different situations to build my confidence level in using them. 0% (0) 0% (0) 50% (5) 50% (5) I initiate conversations in the target language as often as possible. 0% (0) 20% (2) 70% (7) 10% (1) I plan out in advance what I want to say. 0% (0) 0% (0) 60% (6) 40% (4) I ask questions as a way to be involved in the conversation. 0% (0) 20% (2) 20% (2) 60% (6) I encourage others to correct errors in my speaking. 0% (0) 0% (0) 40% (4) 60% (6) I look for a different way to express the idea when I can't think of a word/ expression. (e.g.: Using synonym) 0% (0) 20% (2) 20% (2) 60% (6) I make up new words or guess if I don't know the right ones to use. 10% (1) 20% (2) 30% (3) 40% (4)
INDICATED FEATURES STRATEGIESPERCENTAGEFEATURES I encourage others to correct errors in my speaking. 100% made use of social agents I practice new grammatical structures in different situations to build my confidence level in using them. 100% find time to practice I plan out in advance what I want to say. 100% organize their learning
Strategies This strategy doesn’t fit for me I’ve never used this strategy but am interested in it I have tried this strategy and would use it again I use this strategy and like it I practice writing the alphabet and/or new words in the target language. 0% (0) 40% (4) 50% (5) 10% (1) I plan out in advance how to write academic papers, monitor how my writing is going, and check to see how well my writing reflects what I want to say. 10% (1) 20% (2) 50% (5) 20% (2) I try writing different kinds of texts in the target language (e.g.: personal notes, messages, letters and course papers). 0% (0) 20% (2) 70% (7) 10% (1) I find a different way to express the idea when I don't know the correct expression (e.g.: use a synonym or describe the idea). 0% (0) 20% (2) 50% (5) 30% (3) I review what I have already written before continuing to write more. 0% (0) 10% (1) 70% (7) 20% (2) I use reference materials such as a glossary, a dictionary, or a thesaurus to help me find or verify words in the target language. 0% (0) 10% (1) 40% (4) 50% (5) I revise my writing once or twice to improve the language and content. 0% (0) 20% (2) 50% (5) 30% (3) I try to get feedback from others after writing a draft of an essay or paper. 0% (0) 40% (4) 30% (3) 30% (3)
INDICATED FEATURES STRATEGIESPERCENTAGEFEATURES I use reference materials such as a glossary, a dictionary, or a thesaurus to help me find or verify words in the target language. 90% made use of various reference materials I revise my writing once or twice to improve the language and content. 90% monitoring their progress I review what I have already written before continuing to write more. 80% checking & evaluating
Strategies This strategy doesn’t fit for me I’ve never used this strategy but am interested in it I have tried this strategy and would use it again I use this strategy and like it I break the word into parts that I can identify. 20% (2) 20% (2) 40% (4) 20% (2) I group words according to parts of speech (e.g.: nouns, verbs). 10% (1) 50% (5) 30% (3) 10% (1) I list new words with other words that are related to it. 0% (0) 50% (5) 20% (2) 30% (3) I write out new words in meaningful sentences. 0% (0) 30% (3) 50% (5) 20% (2) I use flash cards in a systematic way to learn new words. 20% (2) 60% (6) 20% (2) 0% (0) I visualize the spelling of new words in my mind. 0% (0) 30% (3) 20% (2) 50% (5) I review words periodically so I don't forget them. 0% (0) 30% (3) 40% (4) 30% (3) I practice using familiar words in different ways. 0% (0) 10% (1) 20% (2) 70% (7)
INDICATED FEATURES STRATEGIESPERCENTAGEFEATURES I practice using familiar words in different ways. 90% Always practice I visualize the spelling of new words in my mind. 70% Constantly trying various methods I review words periodically so I don't forget them. 70% Check and review
Strategies This strategy doesn’t fit for me I’ve never used this strategy but am interested in it I have tried this strategy and would use it again I use this strategy and like it I ask my teacher or friends when I do not understand my teacher's explanation. 0% (0) 0% (0) 40% (4) 60% (6) I take notes when my teacher explains new grammar structure (e.g.: writing down the meaning and usage). 0% (0) 0% (0) 40% (4) 60% (6) I review the grammar structures I learn regularly. 0% (0) 20% (2) 30% (3) 50% (5) I do grammar exercises at home. 0% (0) 20% (2) 70% (7) 10% (1) I determine the grammar structure that I have trouble with and make an effort to improve them. 0% (0) 20% (2) 50% (5) 30% (3) I pay attention to grammar rules when I speak or write. 0% (0) 20% (2) 40% (4) 40% (4) I try to notice my grammar mistakes and find out the reasons for them. 0% (0) 0% (0) 60% (6) 40% (4) While writing or speaking if I am not sure of a grammar structure, I try to use another one. 0% (0) 10% (1) 40% (4) 50% (5) I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making a grammar mistake. 0% (0) 0% (0) 20% (2) 80% (8)
INDICATED FEATURES STRATEGIESPERCENTAGEFEATURES I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making a grammar mistake. 100% portrayed a great sense of confidence I ask my teacher or friends when I do not understand my teacher's explanation. 100% made use of social agents I take notes when my teacher explains new grammar structure (e.g.: writing down the meaning and usage). 100% look for language patterns I try to notice my grammar mistakes and find out the reasons for them. 100% monitoring the errors, find the reasons and find a way of how to avoid making them again in future.
Strategies: Grammar > Speaking > Listening > Writing > Reading > Vocabulary Features of Good Language Learners: – Used or tried almost all of the listed strategies in the questionnaire. – Matched the other researches done earlier in the field
Allow the teacher to help the students to learn better. Language learners need to be trained to explore different learning strategies. Experimenting and evaluating, and eventually choosing their own set of effective strategies. Can be autonomous learners. Help other students on how to apply the strategies strategically.