English Language and Literature Induction 28 th June 2016
Outline of the course AS Level Remembered Places ‘Paris Anthology’ : Intro to language levels and key concepts. Imagined Worlds : Novel study : Point of view and genre (fantasy) in prose Poetic voices: The nature and function of poetic voice from a linguistic perspective
Outline of the course A Level Remembered Places ‘Paris Anthology’- revisit Imagined Worlds - revisit Poetic voices- revisit Writing About Society- novel study+ re-creation task + critical Commentary- critical evaluation of own writing Dramatic Encounters- play as representation of speech, stagecraft, conflict Making connections- language use in different text types (fiction /non-fiction)
A Level Study – Non exam assessment- ‘Making Connections’ You will be writing an essay which expects you to explore a specific technique or theme in both literary and non-literary discourse. The essay has a word count limit of Each student will be writing and exploring different techniques/themes. For example: Explore the nature of storytelling in a literary text and in news reports of serious crimes. Or Explore the representation of travel in a literary text and personal memoirs/travel blogs.
Assessment requirements AS
Assessment requirements A
A Level exam tasks
Stationery Requirements You will need to purchase a lever arch file and at least 10 dividers (these can be picked up really cheaply from places like ‘The Works’) You will also need A4 hole punched paper which can be put into a file Pens (black/blue/red) You must bring whatever text you are studying to lessons
Taster activity Learning objectives: To introduce language levels (your conceptual tools) and begin to apply them to a text Starter Everyday metaphors We typically understand abstract concepts, such as our lives and emotions, by seeing them in more concrete physical terms. Eg Heading in the right direction, moving on with my life = part of a broad metaphor that life is a journey Feelings are often expressed based on vertical orientation (eg, I’m on a high, I feel low. Can you think of any more?
Levels of language To introduce language levels (your conceptual tools) and begin to apply them to a text Phonology: the sound of spoken language; the way words are pronounced Graphology: the patterns of written language; the shape of language on the page Morphology: the way words are constructed Syntax, grammar: the way words combine with other words to form phrases and sentences
Levels of language To introduce language levels (your conceptual tools) and begin to apply them to a text Lexical analysis/lexicology: the words we use, the vocabulary of a language Semantics: the meaning of words and sentences Pragmatics, discourse analysis: the way words and sentences are used in everyday situations; the meaning of language in context
40 - Love middle aged couple playing ten nis when the game ends and they go home the net will still be be tween them Read the following poem by Liverpudlian poet, Roger McGough. Which language levels might be used to analyse the poem? What metaphor underlies the poem? (Human relationships = ?
Applying the language levels Graphology: how does the shape of the poem on the page support its central metaphor? What is being suggested about the relationship? Semantics: how does the title’s meaning(s) relate to the subject matter? Grammar: does the poem follow grammatical conventions or break certain rules? Is there any significance to this related to the meaning?
Bridging work Read text aaaaaaaaaaaaa and text bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
To be a student of English..... You must be reading the texts independently, and rereading texts – they need to become your best friends. You should be carrying the text with all the time, reading at every opportunity. You should be reading about literature through reviews and essays ( eg The Guardian; London Review of Books; Literary Review). Many of these can be accessed online.
Final Tips File notes after EVERY lesson Get into the habit of rereading and rewriting notes after EVERY lesson Read ahead – we will tell you what texts/ chapters/poems to read in advance Complete all homework Ask questions when you do not understand
Enjoy the film version if necessary but DO NOT use it as a substitute for the book.