a lesson approach
2 Insert and delete sheets and cells. 1 Copy, cut, and paste cell contents. 2 Use AutoComplete and Pick From Drop-down List. 3 Use Find and Replace commands. 4 Work with the Alignment group. 5 Use the Format Cells dialog box. 6 Format with data bars. 7
a lesson approach 3
To Insert a worksheet, you can: Click the Insert Worksheet tab button Press Shift + F11 In the Cells group on the Home tab, click the arrow with the Insert Cells button and choose Insert Sheet Right-click a worksheet tab and choose Insert. Then choose Worksheet in the dialog box NOTE: Only iinserts to the right of the active sheet
a lesson approach To Delete a worksheet, you can: Right-click the worksheet tab and choose Delete In the Cells group on the Home tab, click the arrow next to the Delete Cells button and choose Delete Sheet You can rearrange or change the order of your worksheets by clicking and dragging a worksheet tab left or right Right-clicking the tab
a lesson approach When you insert or delete a cell, the ENTIRE worksheet is affected. You can choose if existing cells move up, down, left, or right. Cells shifted down Inserted cells
a lesson approach Right-click, Insert or Right-click, Delete You can open the Insert Dialog Box by pressing Ctrl + “ + ” (on the numeric key pad) You can open the Delete Dialog Box by pressing Ctrl + “ – ” (on the numeric key pad) 7
a lesson approach 8
To Cut and Paste, use one of these methods: Click the Cut button. Position the pointer at the new location and click the Paste button or press Enter Press Ctrl + X. Position the pointer and press Ctrl + V or press Enter Right-click the selected cells. Choose Cut. Right- click the new location and choose Paste. Select the cell(s). Drag it to a new location. Click and drag with a 4-headed arrow
a lesson approach To Copy and Paste, use one of these methods: Click the Copy button Position the pointer at the new location and click the Paste button or press Enter Press Ctrl +C. Position the pointer and press Ctrl + V or press Enter Right-click the selected cells. Choose Copy. Right- click the new cell location and choose Paste. Select the cell or range. Hold down Ctrl and drag it to a new location.
a lesson approach After pasting cells, the Paste Options button provides choices for how the data is pasted
a lesson approach When you cut or copy cell(s) a Moving Marquee surrounds the cell(s) Press ESC key to TURN OFF moving marquee The feature is used to insert data Insert Cut Cells instead of replacing data To Insert Cut Cells: Right-click the cell and choose Insert Cut Cells 12
a lesson approach Drag and drop works in most Windows applications. Use a four-headed arrow to move data To copy data, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging to make it a COPY
a lesson approach The Office Clipboard holds up to 24 copied pieces of data. It works across all products in the Office suite of products (Excel, Word, Access & PowerPoint).
a lesson approach 15
a lesson approach AutoComplete displays a suggested label after you key the first few characters of a label
a lesson approach Pick from Drop-down List displays a list of labels already in the column when you right-click a cell
a lesson approach 18
a lesson approach The Find command locates a sequence of letters, numbers, or symbols (a string). It can also find formats. Ctrl + F or Shift + F5 Click the Find & Select button in the Editing group on the home tab The Replace command locates character strings and substitutes replacement strings for them Ctrl + H Click the Find & Select button in the Editing group on the home tab
a lesson approach A wildcard is a character that represents one or more numbers or letters. A wildcard is helpful when you are not sure about the spelling Excel recognizes two common wildcards: * Represents any number of characters ? Represents any single character 20
a lesson approach mo*would find all data that include “mo” followed by any number of letters or values moretomorrow commotion modernmo278GMO7 * Represents any number of characters
a lesson approach b?r would find all data that include “b” followed by any single character and then by an “r” Septemberborder B2R34 aberrationbaristaburn ? Represents any single character
a lesson approach The Find string is not case-sensitive, but the Replace string is
a lesson approach Excel can find and replace formats, such as replacing bold with italic Remember to RESET this dialog box after completing the task Bold italic data will be replaced by bold italic purple data
a lesson approach 25
a lesson approach Cell alignment sets how cell contents are positioned within the cell. Cell alignment commands include: Vertical alignment Orientation Wrap text Horizontal alignment Indents Merge and Center
a lesson approach Use this command to combine a selected range of cells into one cell that occupies the same amount of space The top-left cell of the range should contain the data. Other cells must be empty Cells A1 and B1 are merged into one cell (A1) and the label is centered within that cell
a lesson approach You can horizontally center multiple rows of labels across a selected range of cells The results look similar to Merge and Center results, but this command does NOT combine the selected cells into one cell
a lesson approach The orientation is the way the data is rotated within the cell Degrees can be set in the Format Cells dialog box or the red diamond can be dragged into position
a lesson approach 30
a lesson approach Many format commands can be given from the Ribbon Others, such as gradient fill, special borders, and custom formats, are designed and applied using tabs in the Format Cells dialog box To open the Format Cells Dialog Box: Keys – Ctrl + 1 Launcher button from the Home tab, Font, Alignment Short-cut – right-click, Format Cells
a lesson approach A Gradient is a blend of colors It can be used as background fill color for a cell
a lesson approach Using Excel format codes, you can build a Custom Format in the Format Cells dialog box A common custom format is one that shows a leading zero
a lesson approach 34
a lesson approach Conditional formatting commands enable you to set formatting based on what’s in the cell Data visualization displays bars, colors or icons Data bars fill each cell with varying lengths and shades of color based on highest and lowest values Color scale shades cells with varying color based on the values Icon set displays an icon at the left of each cell based on the values The highest value displays the longest bar
a lesson approach Data bar options include a gradient fill, solid fill, and borders You can EDIT a Data Bar Rule to change colors or reset values, percentages, or percentiles to compare data Click the Conditional Formatting Button, Manage Rules and then Edit Rule
a lesson approach You can insert, delete, move, and rename worksheets in a workbook. Insert or delete cells when data have been improperly positioned or space is needed for missing data. When you cut or copy data, it is placed on the Windows Clipboard and the Office Clipboard. Copied data can be pasted more than once.
a lesson approach The Office Clipboard stores up to 24 copied elements. It is shared among Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. The AutoComplete feature makes suggestions when you key a label that begins with the same characters as labels already in the column. The Pick From Drop-down List displays a list of all labels already in the current column.
a lesson approach The Find command locates and lists all occurrences of a keyed character string. The Replace command locates data and substitutes new data. You can find and replace formats.
a lesson approach Change cell alignment to make data easier to read and professional-looking. The Merge and Center command combines a range of cells into one cell and center-aligns data within the new single cell. Text can be wrapped, indented, or rotated.
a lesson approach A gradient fill uses a blend of two colors. Data bars are a data visualization tool that applies formatting based on the cell’s value. You can edit the color of a data bar and the way in which it is applied.