Logo or project name Highest Quality – for Every Meal Occasion Induction Welcome Everyone V.13
Logo or project name Highest Quality – for Every Meal Occasion WORKERS’ RIGHTS
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Workers’ Rights Equality & Diversity Discrimination Equality of Opportunity Stronger Together Money & Your Role Swipe Cards and Fobs Holidays and Rest Clocking/Signing In & Out; Working Time & Shift Patterns Timekeeping & Absences / SSP Return to Work/Food Handling Agreement Formal Procedures Employee Forums Welfare Facilities Company Searches & Lockers
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Equality & Diversity QUIZ
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Equality & Diversity Equal Opportunities from recruitment, training, development, appraisal and promotion. Environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Working together towards a place where everyone receives equal treatment.
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Discrimination Equality Act 2010 Everyone is legally protected from discrimination: 1.At work 2.In education 3.As a consumer (e.g. banks, shops, utility companies, etc.) 4.When using public services (e.g. health care, public transport, etc.) 5.When buying or renting property (e.g. from housing associations, estate agents, etc.) 6.As a member or guest of a private club
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Discrimination Protected Characteristics Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Gender Sexual Orientation
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Types of Discrimination Direct Discrimination Treating someone with a protected characteristic less favourably than others. Indirect Discrimination Putting rules or arrangements in place that apply to everyone, but that puts someone with a protected characteristic at an unfair disadvantage. Harassment Unwanted behaviour linked to a protected characteristic that violates someone’s dignity or creates an offensive environment for them. Victimisation Treating someone unfairly because they’ve complained about discrimination or harassment. Positive Discrimination The process of giving preferential treatment, especially in employment, to minority groups of society that have been prejudiced against in the past.
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Bullying & Harassment
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Equality of Opportunity Equality of opportunity is the core concept that unifies diversity and affirmative actions to ensure an inclusive environment. In employment, equality and diversity allows everyone to have equal access to employment opportunities. At 2 Sisters Food Group... 1.Open Call: Positions bringing superior advantages should be open to all applicants. Should be publicised in advance, giving applicants a reasonable opportunity to apply. 2.Fair Judging: Application should be judged on their merits with procedures designed to identify those best qualified. 3.An Application is Chosen: The outcome of application process is deemed fair on procedural grounds.
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Stronger Together An initiative that aims to raise awareness of and reduce hidden labour exploitation (modern slavery). To help us prevent, identify and reduce this occurring in the workplace.
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Sponsors
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Labour Exploitation? Exploitation of job applicants/workers by 3 rd party individuals or gangs by: Forced labour Human trafficking Payment for finding work Forced use of accommodation
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost The Statistics 30 million global victims of slavery Second only to drugs as the most profitable criminal industry Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world Up 67% in two years in the UK
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Indicators If not mentioned, indicators of forced labour could also include... Threats of, or actual physical or sexual violence Restriction of movement and confinement to the workplace or to a limited area Debt bondage – where a worker works to pay off a debt or loan, and is not paid for his/her work Withholding of wages Retention of a passport or other ID Threat of reporting to the authorities
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Who is at risk? Mainly migrant workers, often with limited English language May lack knowledge of rights or how to enforce them and accept the situation as better than nothing Kept in control by individuals or gangs Controlled by action or threats of violence/ financial debt/withholding passports, ID, bank accounts/etc.
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Distribution of worker leaflets & poster campaigns Building awareness by educating Operatives, Supervisors & Management Implementing preventative and highlighting measures Working together with trade unions and employee representatives Encouraging communication to report exploitation What is 2SFG doing?
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Your Responsibility Your responsibility is to report anything regarding… Forced labour Human trafficking Rogue landlords Work finding fees If you have concerns that this is happening in your department, it is best to report this to a trusted Supervisor and / or Manager, or even leave an anonymous note for the HR department.
Logo or project name Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Key Contacts Internal key contacts include… HR Whistle Blower Hotline (see poster for phone number) Supervisor and / or Manager External key contacts include… The police (999) if you are in any immediate danger Non-emergency police (101) For personal help and support for victims of human trafficking, The Salvation Army are available on or Migrant Help on Report it to the Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) on (confidential)