Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Hanna Park Inae Lee 7D Fun Game
Poetry Game -This is a class game -It can’t go out of topic -Doesn’t have to rhyme One person starts off by making up the first line of a poem (just by imagination) The next person continues the first line of the poem however they like The third person continues what the other person thought up of This goes on until someone decides to conclude and end the poem
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Hanna Park Inae Lee 7D Meter
Meter is a pattern of accented/long and unaccented/short syllables in lines of a set length
Structure If there was a set length of 10 syllables then: First Syllable: Unstressed Second Syllable: Stressed Third Syllable: Unstressed Fourth Syllable: Stressed ……and so on until the line reaches the tenth syllable
Example This is an example from Shakespeare: “ShallI comPAREthee TOa SUMmer’sDAY?” -Unstressed Syllable: Black -Stressed Syllable: Red
Vocabs Foot: Each pair of unstressed/stressed syllables that makes up a unit (Line=Five feet in total) Iamb: Foot containing an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Meter of The line in iambic= iambic pentameter -The word pentameter comes from the prefix ‘pent’ which means five
Stress patterns -Some feet in verse/poetry has different stress patterns Ex1) Foot that consists of two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one Ex2) Foot that consists of a stressed one followed by a unstressed one
The Five Types of Feet Iamb (Iambic) is unstressed + stressed with two syllables Trochee (Trochaic) is stressed + unstressed with two syllables Spondee (Spondaic) is stressed + stressed with two syllables Anapest (Anapestic) is unstressed + unstressed + stressed with three syllables Dactyl (Dactylic) is stressed + unstressed + unstressed with three syllables Length of lines and meter can also vary
Types of meter & line length Monometer = One Foot Dimeter = Two Feet Trimeter = Three Feet Tetrameter = Four Feet Pentameter = Five Feet Hexameter = Six Feet Heptameter = Seven Feet Octameter = Eight Feet
Meter Meter is determined by the type of foot and the number of feet in a line Line with three iambic feet= iambic trimeter Line with six dactylic feet= dactylic hexameter Example from William Blake’s Poem: “Tyger Tyger burning bright In the forests of the night” Catalexis: The absense of stressed/unstressed syllables