What is your preferred learning style?. VisualAuditoryKinaesthetic.


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Presentation transcript:

What is your preferred learning style?


Like to see things written down Remember things once they have written them down Like to take notes Visual / linguistic Can easily visualise in pictures and use their imagination Like to see things to learn Use visual descriptions Visual / spatial

They can repeat things back to you easily and learn by listening Responds to a certain tone of voice. They will be interested in what you have to say Auditory tonal Often talk to themselves They will want to know if things “makes sense”. Have a lot of internal dialogue going on Auditory digital

They check out their feelings prior to expressing their thoughts. They will be interested in something if it “feels right”. They often move and talk very slowly. Emotion They memorise by doing or walking through something. They respond to physical rewards and touching. Need physical activity to learn Movement and touch

 Which is your preferred learning style? How do you know?

Visual Use pictures, graphs, diagrams etc Use visual language Visual activities such as drawing pictures Auditory Telling, instructions Podcasting, mp3s Auditory activities like brainstorming Put things in logical sequence Kinaesthetic Give them things to do or make Give them breaks to move about Kinaesthetic activities such as visiting friends, trying out new ideas

Visual See Appear Visualise Reveal Imagine Examine Watch Light Dark Brilliant Picture Auditory Hear Listen Sound Resonate Silence Harmony Deaf Buzz Accent Shout Ring Kinaesthetic Feel Break Grasp Solid Stress Gentle Seize Rough Push Hard Contact Auditory digital Consider Think Understand Evaluate Motivate Learn Describe Process Know Connection Memory

VisualAuditoryKinaesthetic I see what you meanThat sounds right to me That feels right to me Look back onThat rings a bellI’ll be in touch Pretty as a pictureSinging of the same hymn sheet Get a grip Showing offLoud and clearJump for joy Clear cutUnheard ofWarm hearted See to itIts music to my earsHang on New perspectiveAll on the same wavelength Cool off