Perceptual Modalities The Implications for Students in Web-based Learning Glenn Cockerline David Yearwood
Learning Styles
Curry’s Onion Model
Cognitive Style The Interface between the Brain & our Environment Perception Field Orientation
Perception : How We Acquire Information from our Environment Vision -> Sound -> Force -> Scent -> Taste ->
How We Acquire Information for Academic Purposes Vision -> Sound -> Force -> Scent -> Taste ->
VAK / VA R K Read/write a preference for symbolic images over iconic images
V AK / V ARK Visual colour motion dimension
V A K / V A RK Auditory pitch rhythm tempo dynamics timber location
Not a Test
VA K / VAR K K inesthetic tactile (cutaneous) proprioception(limb position)
Cognitive Style 2 Field Orientation
Field Orientation Field Independent (Analytical) Details first then building to the “Big Picture” Field Dependent (Global) “Big Picture” first then fills in the details
Who is Advantaged or Disadvantaged in the Traditional Classroom?
Who is Advantaged or Disadvantaged by Web-based Learning?
The Human-Computer Interface How do we get information from WebCT?
So what’s the significance for Students in Web-based Learning?
Research Questions Is there a relationship between the way students acquire knowledge and their: comfort with WebCT use of WebCT satisfaction with WebCT
Comfort with WebCT Field Dependent (Global) learners were less comfortable converting between file types
Comfort with WebCT Field Dependent (Global) learners were less comfortable uploading & downloading file
Comfort with WebCT Auditory learners were less comfortable with WebCT than other learners.
Comfort with WebCT Kinesthetic Learners were more comfortable with WebCT than other learners.
Use of WebCT There was a negative correlation between auditory learners and the number of content pages they read.
Use of WebCT There was a negative correlation between auditory learners and the number of discussion pages they read.
Use of WebCT There was a negative correlation between auditory learners and the number of posts made to discussions.
Satisfaction with WebCT There was a positive correlation between readers and their satisfaction with web links.
Implications for Auditory Learners Accessed fewer pages Spend the same amount of time doing so
Implications for Kinesthetic Learners Accessed more pages Spend the same amount of time doing so.
Implications for FD (Global) Learners FDs have a lower tolerance for technical details => importance of introductory sessions
Implications for FD (Global) Learners FDs pay less attention to details => more prone to errors