Interoperability with ArcGIS Satish Sankaran Marten Hogeweg
Agenda Understanding Interoperability – What, Why and How? ArcGIS Platform – An Open Platform Supporting Interoperability Examples from the “real” world
GIS System Deployments
Software Needs / Requirements – As evidenced in Large Tenders Interoperability Replaceability Interchangeability Extensibility Componentization Portability Open Systems Standards Compliance
Decision Time FunctionalNon-Functional Performance Scalability Reliability Extensibility Portability Componentization Interchangeability
Profiles Standards ETL Open Interoperability Procurement personnel System Integrator Developer User
Achieving Interoperability – Different Approaches Standards ETL Open Interoperability
Data Transformations using the Data Interoperability Extension ETL
GIS Standards Organizations – creating data, metadata and service standards Standards
Open systems encourage innovation, support interoperability, promote transparency, improve reliability and increase collaboration. Open
Open Systems Open API’s and Specifications Open Standards Open Data Community Open Source Data Interoperability Open Systems
The ArcGIS Platform - An Open & Interoperable Platform - Supporting a thriving ecosystem of focused apps and applications. - A Standards Compliant Platform - Supporting many relevant standards including those from ISO TC 211 and OGC.
Data Interoperability Data Formats - Geographic data - Tabular data - Raster and 3D Data Product Interoperability - Data Interoperability Extension - ArcGIS for AutoCAD - SAP HANA - ArcGIS Maps for Office - Esri Maps for SharePoint - Esri Maps for IBM Cognos - …
Open Data - Discovering Open Data - Sharing Open Data OpenStreetMap - OpenStreetMap Basemap - ArcGIS editor for OpenStreetMap
Esri actively participates in various open source projects. We categorize our use and support of these external open source projects in 3 ways - Supporting Open Source Using Open Source Contributing to Open Source Projects Open Source
Esri Geoportal Server ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap Terraformer Esri Leaflet Koop GIS Tools for Hadoop Esri Geometry API for Java R- ArcGIS ……
Open Source Open Source Maps and Apps 52 degree North Open Source - Sensor Observation Service Extensions to ArcGIS - Web Processing Service Extensions to ArcGIS
… A few Standards Organizations …. In the GIS Space Open Standards Customer Quote for “why standards”? OGC Standards-based approach accommodates use of future tools and alternate user-preferred tools.
OGC Standards Landscape Aeronautical AIXM + WFS 3D CityGML Sensor SensorML, SOS, SAS Hydrology WaterML + WFS / SOS Mobile Geopackage Projects / Initiatives Inspire Geoss OneGeology Web service Protocols wms, wfs, wcs, wps, wmts, cs-w, … Meteo IWXXM WCS- Multi-Dimensional Support Domain Models Pipeline Geology Earth-Observations Standards – Bleeding Edge GeoSPARQL Indoor GML ARML
from … Geospatial Interoperability Reference Architecture (GIRA) GIS Standards Data Standards GML, S57, AIXM, … Metadata Standards FGDC, ISO 19115, ISO 19119, … Service Standards WMS, WFS, WCS, …
Esri REST API WMSWMTSWFS ArcGIS for Inspire Inspire WMSInspire WFS Inspire ATOM WCS OGC clients (HTTP SOAP) Inspire clients (HTTP SOAP) GeoJSON JSON clients (HTTP REST) WPS ArcGIS for Server Geoportal Inspire CSW KML
Server Providing Developer Solutions (runtime, Javascript Api) Consuming Portals (AGOL, Portal) Providing & Consuming Desktop (ArcMap & PRO) Consuming Metadata (ISO, FGDC, …) Data (Geopackage, geoJSON, gml- JPEG 2000…) Services (wms,wfs,wcs, wps,sos,cs-w, …) Portrayal Standards Core Standards ArcGIS Platform Components Apps Consuming
Standards Requirements – Across the platform ….. What we are hearing! Online / Portal - Register OGC services - Consume OGC services - Create hosted OGC services - Geopackage support - Allow analyses on OGC services - Support Discovery Standards – OGC CS- W, OpenSearch, DCAT - Managing Secured OGC Services Metadata Support across the platform Federated searches across portals Server - Improve existing OGC support ( compliancy, update to new version, new profiles) Desktop (ArcMap / Pro) - Consume OGC services - Geopackage support Runtime and Apps - Consume OGC services - Geopackage support Javascript API - Consume OGC services
Procurement personnel
SOA Vs REST Use the Web Luke ! …. Some GIS Standards are still playing catchup with the Web 6a00d8341d3df553ef012875f312f9970c-pi mistakes/2010/08/13 Pragmatic Interoperability
Open API’s and Specifications Shapefile (July 1998) Geodatabase XML (June 2008) GeoServices REST API (Sept 2010) FGDB API (Jan 2011) i3S (May 2015) LERC (Dec 2015) Open Data Download Stats for April 2016 Shapefile: 3,714,978 CSV: 413,037 GeoJSON: 318,052 KML: 43,689 GeoHash: 22,033 Pragmatic Interoperability
GIS System Deployments …. Some real world examples Enterprise SDI GEOSS – System of Systems Defense / C4ISR Open Data Business Intelligence
Connecting GIS and Earth Observations
Geospatial Platform and EPA DHS DOJ GSA FCC DOT DHHS NOAA DOI Census NASA …
Access Geoplatform Content in ArcGIS Connect to Find National Geospatial Data Assets Use in Your GIS Projects
Geodesign 3D Port Harbor Master Modalities Asset Management Maritime Port of Rotterdam
Port of Rotterdam Platform Implementation Portal for ArcGIS Webmaps ArcMap ArcGIS Pro ArcGIS for AutoCAD Survey 123 GeoCortex Data Migration from Legacy System Quay Wall Viewer Bathymetry, Charting, Visualization, Survey- driven ENC SAP, SharePoint, AutoCAD, STADIUM, AMprover, Hadoop, Primavera, Key2Bodem DesktopWebDevice ServerOnline Content and Services Portal
Quay Wall Management AutoCAD Cyclomedia ArcGIS SAP Port Object Model
OGC Testbed 12 Viewer - ArcGIS, WMS, WCS, KML - WMTS, Koop FeatureServer Discovery - OpenSearch - OGC CSW 2.0.2, OGC Context Document - GeoJSON encoding
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