Unit 17 Famous Women
Song Qingling Madame Curie Pearl S. Buck Mother Teresa
PositiveNegative strong smart honest friendly warn kind cheerful popular generous hard-working weak stupid lazy dishonest mean tense cold unkind unfriendly miserable dull Use the following words to describe a person
What was her name? LilyRoseJaneSandra What was she like? serious smart Friendly helpful loyal honest fat quite warm kind pretty strong hard- working What was she good at? mathssings paintingnothing What has become of her? She is now a teacher. She is married and has a daughter. She works in a depart- ment store. She has her own company.
Alone in Antarctic
Oprah Winfrey
Grammar Subject – Verb Agreement Singular nouns are used with singular verbs. Plural nouns are used with plural verbs. Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin. But changes were just around the corner. Collective nouns can have a singular or plural verb. If the noun refer to the unit as a whole, the verb is singular. If it refer to the individual members of a unit, the verb is plural. The boys’ team has some good players, but the girl’s is a better team. My dog team were not with me to pull my sled.
TIPS Choose one or two interesting examples to show us something about their character. Describe something unusual about them, something that makes them special. Describe what difficult situation they faced and how they solved the problem.