Unit 06: Does advertising help or harm us? Discussing the questions Reading #1, 2 Vocabulary skill: Suffixes
PREVIEW THE UNIT Discuss these questions with your classmates. -What things have you bought because of an advertisement? -Has an advertisement ever helped you in some way? What kind of ad was it? How did it help you?
The purpose of advertisement…… Providing information Selling products Providing help 10.13~ Karma
Reading #1. Happiness in the shoes you wear Vocabulary Consequence (n.) a result or effect of something Imply (v) to suggest something in an indirect way Means to an end (idm.) an action that is not important in itself, but is a way of achieving something else. Possession (n.) something that you own Recent (adj.) happened a time ago Relationship (n.) a friendly or emotional connection between two people Trivial (adj.) of little importance Tune out (phr. V.) to stop listening to or to ignore Unpredictable (adj.) changing often so that you don’t know what to expect
Happiness is in the shows you wear Subtopic: The problem with advertising is that it takes advantage of our very real and human desires. Supporting: 1) We’re surrounded by advertising that connects our needs with products. Things will deliver something that they never can. 2) We’re influenced by ads. Quote from Sut Jhally, an advertising critc. 3) Ads cause people distrust others and harm relationships. Messages, Being royal to a brand
Conclusion #8. Ads creates a view that is based negative impression. This can lead to harmful effect. Thus, their stories should be positive.
Reading skill: Distinguishing facts from opinions My parents have been married for 25years. (Fact) Relationships with human beings are messy and unpredictable. (Opinion) Class stars at 7:30 a.m. (fact) My classes are difficult. (opinion)
Reading 2: vocabulary Support Annoying Exposure Surrounding Annual Entertain Memorable Donations
Vocabulary skill: Suffixes Adjective - ful - able - ial - er Note ?? Mission impossible Impossible mission?? ?? –er/ -ee/ -or actor employee Noun -ment -tion -ship -ness adverb -ly
Reading #2. In Defense of Advertising Main idea: Advertising provides us with quite a few benefits. Supporting details 1)Giving us information 2)Supporting the arts 3)Helping support sports 4)Public service announcements inform the public 5)Helping to make the world more colorful
Q. WHAT DO YOU THINK? “Necessary evil” Agree? Disagree?
Writing Skill: Writing a letter to the editor
Grammar: Compound sentence Simple sentence : Subject + Verb ( independent clause) e.g. Usha drives to work every day. subject + verb Compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunction such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’, and ‘or’. e.g. The ad was very funny, and it gave us helpful information. e.g. We enjoyed the movie, but it had a very sad ending. e.g. Ali isn’t feeling well, so he isn’t coming to class today. e.g. You can take the train to Madrid, or you can fly.