The Plan for the Summer July – What the Bible teaches about Evangelism August – How to practically reach out to Others
God sends the Holy Spirit To Empower the Church Acts 2:1-4 – God sends the promised Holy Spirit who causes the believers to speak in various languages Acts 2:5-13 – Those visiting Jerusalem are surprised to hear these Galileans speaking their own languages Acts 2:14-39 – Peter uses this event to witness about Jesus Acts 2:14-21 – The Spirit in believers fulfills Joel’s prophecy Acts 2:22-32 – Jesus’ resurrection fulfills David’s prophesy Acts 2:33-36 – David also prophesied that Jesus at God’s right hand Acts 2:37-39 – Peter invited them to become part of Christ’s body Acts 2:40-47 – Many joined Jesus’ disciples and became a community
God places us in Situations Acts 2:1 – The day of Pentecost had fully come Acts 2:5 – There were crowds from all over the world in Jerusalem Acts 2:8-11 – These individuals came from all of the various regions mentioned in these verses. And they would return home again as well.
God works in Special Ways Acts 2:2-4 – The Holy Spirit filled these believers and caused them to speak in various languages they had never learned. Acts 2:6-7 – The people from the nations were amazed to hear Galileans speaking in the language of their home countries. Acts 2:12 – The foreigners wondered what this activity indicated. Acts 2:13 – Some mocked the event as common.
God draws people to faith in Jesus through us Acts 2:14-21 – Peter starts with the immediate event of people speaking in various languages. Peter quotes the Bible, since this crowd believed the Bible. :15 – These people are not drunk :16-21 – This is what God said He would do in Joel’s prophecy. :17-18 – God said He would pour out His Spirit on His servants :21 – God said He would save any who called on the Lord
God draws people to faith in Jesus through us Acts 2:22-32 – Peter moved to the primary task Jesus left – to be witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection as proof that He can save. :22-24 – You crucified Jesus and God raised Him back to life :25-28 – David’s words in Psalm 16 refer to Jesus prophetically :29-32 – Since David is dead and buried, this passage indicates someone else. That someone is Jesus, who is the promised Messiah
God draws people to faith in Jesus through us Acts 2:33-36 – Peter explained that Jesus sent the Spirit on them :33 – Jesus has been exalted to God’s right hand, and has poured out God’s Spirit as they were seeing at that moment. :34-35 – David had said that God would invite his Lord to sit at His right hand. :36 – All Israel needed to know that God made Jesus Lord and Christ, even though they had crucified Him.
It is still God who draws people Acts 2:37-39 – God used Peter’s words to bring some in the crowd to the point of looking for salvation. :37 – They were cut to the heart :39 – As many as the Lord our God will call
It is still God who draws people Acts 2:40-47 – God draws individuals to trust in Jesus and join the community of His followers. :41 – Those who gladly received his word :47 – The Lord added to the church