CONTRACEPTION CONTRARY TO CONCEPTION METHODS Barrier ( Condoms or Cervical Cap) Hormonal (The Pill) Intrauterine Devices ( IUD, Sterilization )
Things to consider when choosing a method: Effectiveness Side effects Age appropriate Cost Method of use Religious beliefs
Used for: Developing career Space children Build a financial foundation Do not want children Medical problem with mother or child
Abstinence-deciding not to have sex 100% effective against pregnancy and STI’s Free Easy to use Easy to get Protect reputation False relationships Quickly reversible No interruption of spontaneity or pleasure Can protect against broken heart (condoms can’t protect a broken heart, jealousy, guilt) Oxytocin-hormone released during orgasm and breastfeeding to bond with that person.
Birth control pill LOTS of different kinds Combination of estrogen and progesterone in a pill to prevent ovulation Female 99% effective IF used correctly Pill is taken same time everyday No STI protection $0-50 per month
Plan B-emergency contraception Pill taken within 72 hours, lowers pregnancy chance by 89 (best in 24 hours) Prevents ovulation and thickens cervical mucus No STI protection Behind pharmacy counters- prove 17 and older (under 17 need prescription) About $35-60 Medical definition-pregnancy doesn’t begin until fertilized egg implants itself.
Injectable Progestin (Depo Provera) Shot that lasts 12 weeks Female 99% effective No STI protection $50 per injection Prevents ovulation and fertilization Side effects-weight gain, bleeding
The patch Releases synthetic hormones to prevent ovulation Thickens cervical mucus causing barrier for sperm entering uterus Females 99% effective No STI protection $30-35 per month Square type of “band aid” 3 weeks on and 1 week off Side effects-skin irritation, irregular bleeding, higher chance blood pressure
Nuva Ring Inserted into vagina that releases hormones In vagina 3 weeks followed one week ‘ring free’ Prevents ovulation and endometrium development Female 98-99% effective No STI protection $30-35 per month
Nexplanon Subdermal Small rod implanted under skin of upper arm and releases hormone Female 99.8% effective No STI protection Can cause irregular menstrual cycle, weight gain $0-800 for insertion; $ for removal Lasts 3 years
Spermicides-foam, jelly, cream. Contains non- oxynol 9 to kill and immobilize sperm; inserted in vagina. Female 72% effective No protection against STI’s. $7-18 Over the counter Can cause irritation or allergic reaction
Diaphragm-dome shaped latex cup inserted into vagina to cover cervix-use with spermicide. Female 88-94% effective No STI protection $15-50 Inserted before sex and stays for up to 8 hours after Fitted by a doctor Side effect-urinary tract infection
Cervical cap-thimble shaped rubber cap fits over cervix 68-91% effective No STI protection Female Must be fitted by a doctor Remains in place after intercourse about 8 hours Recommended use with spermicide
Cervical cap:
Male condom-latex or polyurethane sheath that fits over an erect penis. Male 82-98% effective $.50 each and up STI protection (except crabs, warts and herpes) Non-prescription
Steps in Condom Use ?? ? ?
Female condom-polyurethane sheath with two rings; lines walls of vagina and partially covers vagina opening Female 79-95% effective Some STI protection if used correctly $4 each and up Non-prescription
Intrauterine Device (IUD)-small T-shaped device surgically inserted in the uterus. Prevents fertilized egg from implanting 99% effective No STI protection $ Side effects-PID, bleeding, puncture of the uterus
Tubal Ligation-sterilization for females Cutting or tying of fallopian tubes Egg is absorbed 99.5% effective No STI protection $
Vasectomy-surgical procedure that cuts vas deferens Sperm are absorbed Male 99.9% effective No STI protection
Natural Family Planning Charting cycle to know when ovulation occurs Lot’s of time and effort
Withdrawal: Removal of penis from vagina before ejaculation Male No STI protection Sperm are in pre-ejaculation
Douche-NOT a method Fluids and feminine sprays to clean vagina $2.50 per use Vagina is self-cleaning; no need
Effectiveness - What does this mean?? These numbers are based on 100 women using the method for 1 year. So how many pregnancies would occur using each of these methods?
Pregnancy Options Have the baby and put it up for adoption Open adoption Closed adoption Have the baby and keep it Raise the baby alone Raise the baby with partner Abortion Surgical (Suction) Medical (RU486) Safe Surrender to a Safe Haven site Since the law took affect in 2001, more than 400 babies have been surrendered safely (SB 116).
The law allows parents to safely surrender their child within 72 hours of the baby being born. That way, the parents will not be prosecuted for abandonment and the baby is protected from harm. The child can be taken to a private or public hospital or some fire departments. Safe Surrender Law
“Despite the law, babies are still abandoned in unsafe ways or are only discovered after it is too late. From state information, there is still at least one baby a month abandoned in an unsafe way in California … and those are only the ones we know about” Joe Albert Garcia, an assistant professor in the Human Services Department at Cal State Fullerton, 2/2011 Most Fire Departments Are designated as a Safe Baby Surrender Site January 2011
According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 1 Of teenage girls nationally who get pregnant: 57% give birth 29% undergo abortion 14% experience a miscarriage
It's ALWAYS the kids that suffer. His name is Zonkey
Left to right: contraceptive sponge; vaginal douche; medicated tampon; animal gut condom. Vaginal douches were a contraceptive measure involving the flushing of the woman's vagina after sexual intercourse. Tampons are small pads of lint or other material, that have been used by women throughout the ages, and are designed to be inserted into the vagina to stem the flow of blood during menstruation. The sponge is a device comprising a small natural or synthetic sponge (sometimes soaked in vinegar or lemon juice) which would be inserted prior to intercourse as a barrier method of contraception. Condoms were first used in the 16th century. Originally made from linen or animal intestine, they are now made of latex.