USA HIV Infection HIV Virology HIV virus attacks & takes over Helper T-Cells (CD-4s), an important blood factor in the body’s immune response. HIV enters the genetic material of the T-Cell’s DNA. The gene CCR5-Delta 32 blocks HIV from entering the Helper T-Cells in a small % of people. HIV-1 (chimp origin) is the most common HIV variety. There are 8 major sub types of HIV-1. HIV-2 (sooty mangabey monkey origin) is the 2 nd most common variety. HIV mutates rapidly & can quickly develop resistance to anti-AIDS drugs. HIV Virology HIV virus attacks & takes over Helper T-Cells (CD-4s), an important blood factor in the body’s immune response. HIV enters the genetic material of the T-Cell’s DNA. The gene CCR5-Delta 32 blocks HIV from entering the Helper T-Cells in a small % of people. HIV-1 (chimp origin) is the most common HIV variety. There are 8 major sub types of HIV-1. HIV-2 (sooty mangabey monkey origin) is the 2 nd most common variety. HIV mutates rapidly & can quickly develop resistance to anti-AIDS drugs.
USA HIV Infection HIV Transmission HIV is spread primarily by: Sexual contact with an infected person Sharing/being stuck with a blood-infected needle, razor, toothbrush Mother to infant –Intra-utero & during the birthing –Through breast-feeding. HIV Transmission HIV is spread primarily by: Sexual contact with an infected person Sharing/being stuck with a blood-infected needle, razor, toothbrush Mother to infant –Intra-utero & during the birthing –Through breast-feeding.
USA HIV Infection HIV Transmission NOT! NOT Transmitted through air, water, or insects. HIV can NOT reproduce or maintain virulence outside its host. Dried Fluids with high HIV concentrations lose 90-99% transmissibility. But 1% risk remains. There is NO known risk of casual contact HIV transmission to co-workers, clients, etc. Since 1985, personal service workers (hairdressers, barbors, cosmetologists, massage therapists, tatoo artists and acupuncturists) are governed by industry standards of care. HIV Transmission NOT! NOT Transmitted through air, water, or insects. HIV can NOT reproduce or maintain virulence outside its host. Dried Fluids with high HIV concentrations lose 90-99% transmissibility. But 1% risk remains. There is NO known risk of casual contact HIV transmission to co-workers, clients, etc. Since 1985, personal service workers (hairdressers, barbors, cosmetologists, massage therapists, tatoo artists and acupuncturists) are governed by industry standards of care.
USA HIV Infection HIV: Shall We Kiss? Casual Kissing (closed mouth; social kissing) does Not place a person at risk for HIV transmission. French or Open-mouth kissing is frisky, and may be risky, if one party is HIV-positive. Since 1997, there have been several cases of HIV transmission from Biting. (Really! Among humans…) Saliva & Tears: HIV is present in very low quanitites in AIDS patients, and considered Non-transmittable. HIV has NOT been found in sweat of HIV-positive people. HIV: Shall We Kiss? Casual Kissing (closed mouth; social kissing) does Not place a person at risk for HIV transmission. French or Open-mouth kissing is frisky, and may be risky, if one party is HIV-positive. Since 1997, there have been several cases of HIV transmission from Biting. (Really! Among humans…) Saliva & Tears: HIV is present in very low quanitites in AIDS patients, and considered Non-transmittable. HIV has NOT been found in sweat of HIV-positive people.
USA HIV Infection HIV Transmission Oral - Vaginal - Anal Sexual Contact : Mouth/ Penis/Object/Hand to Vagina/Penis/Anus Other Risks: Sharing of Razors, Toothbrushes, Manicure Utensils Contributory Risk Factors: Unprotected Sex: Lack/Inconsistent Condom Use Multiple Sexual Partners Frequent Change of Sexual Partners Drug Use & Sexual Experiences Gonorrhea & Chlamydia Infections are know to increase a person’s receptivity to HIV infection. HIV Transmission Oral - Vaginal - Anal Sexual Contact : Mouth/ Penis/Object/Hand to Vagina/Penis/Anus Other Risks: Sharing of Razors, Toothbrushes, Manicure Utensils Contributory Risk Factors: Unprotected Sex: Lack/Inconsistent Condom Use Multiple Sexual Partners Frequent Change of Sexual Partners Drug Use & Sexual Experiences Gonorrhea & Chlamydia Infections are know to increase a person’s receptivity to HIV infection.
USA HIV Infection HIV Transmission & Women Women are more vulnerable, when exposed, to becoming HIV infected than men. Female reproductive system has larger surfaces of mucous membrane. Male Seminal fluid & Pre-cum carry higher concentrations of HIV than do Vaginal Fluids. In normal male-female intercourse, the thrusting action of the penis can cause small abraiding or tearing of vaginal mucous membrane, thus increasing a woman’s vulnerability to HIV. Cultural subordination of women. HIV Transmission & Women Women are more vulnerable, when exposed, to becoming HIV infected than men. Female reproductive system has larger surfaces of mucous membrane. Male Seminal fluid & Pre-cum carry higher concentrations of HIV than do Vaginal Fluids. In normal male-female intercourse, the thrusting action of the penis can cause small abraiding or tearing of vaginal mucous membrane, thus increasing a woman’s vulnerability to HIV. Cultural subordination of women.
USA HIV Infection HIV to AIDS Uncontrolled HIV infections compromise the human auto-immune system. A steady decrease over a 6-7 year period to a blood level of <200cm 3 of CD4’s (the master immune cell) results in a diagnosis of AIDS. Symptoms of AIDS may include: Opportunistic infections; rashes Colds, sore throat, fever Chronic fatigue Night sweats Nausea HIV to AIDS Uncontrolled HIV infections compromise the human auto-immune system. A steady decrease over a 6-7 year period to a blood level of <200cm 3 of CD4’s (the master immune cell) results in a diagnosis of AIDS. Symptoms of AIDS may include: Opportunistic infections; rashes Colds, sore throat, fever Chronic fatigue Night sweats Nausea
USA HIV Infection Best Protection Against HIV Abstinence when not in a committed relationship Monogamy Safe Sex: Condom Use, Hygiene Sobriety Good Relationship Communications Get Confidential Testing: 50% of Californians have been tested at least once. And, if you are HIV-Positive – Maintain strict adherence to your medical therapy. Best Protection Against HIV Abstinence when not in a committed relationship Monogamy Safe Sex: Condom Use, Hygiene Sobriety Good Relationship Communications Get Confidential Testing: 50% of Californians have been tested at least once. And, if you are HIV-Positive – Maintain strict adherence to your medical therapy.