19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service HMA Follow On Activities Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service (Sensor Planning Service) Monthly Progress Meeting 19 January 2010 Reuben Wright, Deimos Space Philippe Mérigot, Spot Image
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Schedule Deliverables Actions Work in Progress SPS 2.0 and SWE Service Model SPS Application Profile for EO Abstract Test Suite SFRE Requirements and Design PR Agenda
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Schedule 1/2
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Schedule 2/2
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Proposal Information: List of Documentation Deliverables
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Proposal Information: List of Software Deliverables Software
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Actions from 01/12/09 24closed The SweCommon and SPS Application profile for Earth Observation specifications should be into "pending docs" area at OGC by 19 November. HMA-FO-DMS- PMD-MOM0103/11/200982Spot19/11/2009 SPS App Profile for EO still draft 25closed As specifications get to the stage of public review (into "pending docs" area at OGC) need to add a link on the deliverables page of HMA wiki. SPS 2.0 to be done now. HMA-FO-DMS- PMD-MOM0103/11/200992Deimos06/11/2009 for SPS closed YC to upload to HMA-FO wiki the "HMA Scenario" technical note created by Astrium in HMA-I to provide a start for High Level requirements/scenarios (but note that terminology will have changed and some aspects are out of date). HMA-FO-DMS- PMD-MOM0201/12/200912SPB 04/12/ open Where possible updates to match the OGC specification model will be attempted before March TC. In particular to ensure we have appropriate Abstract Test Suites and some high level view. List of reqs from HMA Scenario document to be considered for the high level requirements summary. HMA-FO-DMS- PMD-MOM0201/12/200922ALL 08/03/ closed IPR situation means RW can copy OGC draft specifications to HMA Wiki rather than just links (this action replaces Action 9 of previous teleconf). HMA-FO-DMS- PMD-MOM0201/12/200932Deimos11/12/2009
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Work in Progress: SPS 2.0 and SWE Service Model Status Following the December TC meeting at OGC the RFC packages have been added to the OGC portal by Ingo Simonis. The commenting phase will start once the documents are approved by OAB and then Carl Reed. Process 30 day comment period Review of comments at TC in March 2010 Final versions at least three weeks prior to TC meeting June, 2010 TC in June 2010: SWG and TC/PC votes to release for adoption 60 day IPR review and eVote
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Work in Progress: SPS Application Profile for EO Status Drafted throughout. Minor additions are being made to better match the OGC specification model Process Vote at OGC December TC meeting agreed this Profile should be handled by SPS WG Same process as for SPS 2.0. The move to RFC doesn't need to be tied to an OGC meeting Work Remaining ATS – first draft following recommended format from HMA-T Further numbered requirements – some identified already and others under discussion Output parameter - to be added
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SPS Application Profile for EO - Abstract Test Suite Five Conformance Classes are defined SPS for Earth Observation – test cases covering all mandatory requirements to be satisfied by a minimally conformant SPS for EO implementation; Optical Sensor – test cases addressing the extra requirements for an Optical instrument; Radar Sensor – test cases addressing the extra requirements for a Radar instrument; Sensor Availability – test cases addressing the extra requirements for supporting the operation "GetSensorAvailability" defined in this EO Profile; Validate – test cases addressing the extra requirements for supporting the operation "Validate" defined in this EO Profile;
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SPS Application Profile for EO - Abstract Test Suite SPS had three Test Groups Common Test Elements – related to the GetCapabilities Request and Response; Exception Reporting – related to the errors generated during the Operations; Request / Response Handling – related to the nominal performance of Operations, including validation of the accepted requests, as related to the DescribeTasking response; SPS for EO adds a further Test Group Notification – related to the ability to subscribe to Notifications; Open Issues/Questions Assumption is that the SPS server is tested in terms of its conformance to the interface standard, not the accuracy of its planning results (eg. in suggesting scenes fully covering area)
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Work in Progress: SFRE Requirements Requirements Baseline Document Drafted and in discussion Requirements from Operational Scenarios Technical Note have been included System Requirements Document Drafted at Deimos for Sensor Feasibility Server Some requirements from DAIL may be of use for the Sensor Feasibility Client
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Work in Progress: SFRE Design Architecture Design Document Sensor Feasibility Server follows on from HMA-T developments and large parts of design are being reused. Updates to design (and document) will be made reflecting experience of HMA-T, and new requirements Sensor Feasibility Client again follows from some existing development work and some documentation reuse is anticipated Interface Control Documents The relevant OGC specifications are considered the authoratative ICDs for the system
19 January 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service PR Agenda – To Be Discussed Project Management Schedule and Progress Actions and Deliverables Specifications SWE Service Model and sweCommon SPS 2.0 (OGC ) SPS Application Profile for EO (OGC ) Relationship to other standards, eg OWS Common Sensor Feasibility Reference Environment Requirements Design