General Guidelines for this Template Add the letter of the stage (DMAIC) you are in on EACH SLIDE. Don’t feel like you have to use the tools at the end of this slide deck. They are there for your convenience, not as requirements. Delete the slides you don’t use, please. Replace the MSU logo with your own company’s logo in the header 1
Insert Project Title Project Leader: Project Champion: Project Team Members: Insert Company Name/Logo 2
D efine M easure A nalyze I mprove C ontrol 3
Project Charter Insert completed project charter template of your choice 4 DEFINE
Project Problem and Scope Problem Statement/Scope: EXAMPLE: Lower than expected billability, also described as Excessive Bench Capacity, results in chargeability variances and negatively impacts services margins by approximately $100,000,000 per year. 5 DEFINE
Relevant Metrics: (Usually these are associated with quality- effectiveness, efficiency, time or cost.) Improvement Targets: EXAMPLE: 50% reduction in cycle time Increase System Availability from 88% to 98% Operational/Strategic Impact: EXAMPLE: $60,000 improvement to bottom line Business Case 6 DEFINE
Operational and Strategic Impact: Hard Benefits: EXAMPLE: $145k or 1.82 FTE can be delivered in AMP from improved customer contact data. Wasted labor time spent in AMP on finding correct contact data for problem resolution estimated to be 5 min/defect on approx 1656 defects per month or $100k per annum. Wastage of labor in the customer satisfaction survey of 3 mins per defect or $24k per annum. Reduced wastage in billing disputes 15 mins each) or $20k per annum Soft Benefits: EXAMPLE: Improve customer satisfaction from less wrong contacts. Improved service performance through less time loss in tickets including wait time. EXAMPLE of Business Case 7 DEFINE
Project Champion or Sponsor: Project Team Leader or Black Belt: Project Team Members: Ad Hoc Members or SMEs: Roles and Team Membership 8 DEFINE
Project Plan 9 DEFINE
D efine M easure A nalyze I mprove C ontrol 10
Baseline - EXAMPLE CURRENT COPQ: $1,177,000 PPM or DPMO: 572,840 Sigma Level: 1.29 GOAL COPQ: $588,500 PPM or DPMO: 286,420 Sigma Level: MEASURE
D efine M easure A nalyze I mprove C ontrol 12
D efine M easure A nalyze I mprove C ontrol 13
D efine M easure A nalyze I mprove C ontrol 14
Baseline COPQ = $1,177,000 DPMO = 572,840 Sigma Level = 1.29 Actual Achieved COPQ = $516,000 (i.e., saved more than goal) DPMO = 250,000 Sigma Level = 2.15 Goal COPQ = $588,500 DPMO = 286,420 Sigma Level = 2.05 Project Results - EXAMPLE 15 CONTROL
Project Results-Insert visual of some sort Process Change Implemented 16 CONTROL
Extra Tool Slides Do NOT have to be used. Just for your convenience!
High Level Process Map (SIPOC) 18
Detailed Process Map Queue Coordination Customer Support Services Technician Service Delivery Coordinators Customer Assign Ticket yes Resolve Request/ Verify Solution Update Ticket Validate Customer Satisfaction Solution Accepted Close Problem Ticket WARP Implementation Create Monet Ticket Approved Work Order or Approved Request MMO Billable Request? No Create Buy Ticket Route Buy Ticket for Internal Approval yes Create P.O. Receive Equipment Insert Swim Lane Flow Chart, if applicable 19
Process FMEA 20
Validate Measurement System Insert Minitab Gage R&R Results 21
Process Capability Insert Minitab Capability Results 22
Pareto Diagram 23
Cause-Effect Diagram Problem: Tg Shift MachineMethod Mother NatureManMaterials Measurement New lot of raws Out of spec raws New technician in testing lab New operator in plant Grade change in plant Need to calibrate DSC Dryer down in plant SOP for analytical lab – where to take Tg on curve? Material prep for test Clean out after grade change Power outage 24
Impact-Effort Matrix Quote sheet Training One person to quote Products made in house Single source Improve non-X service margins Cost / Effort Low High Impact 25
Implementation Plan 26 TaskDescriptionResource Task Status Start Date Finish Date Adjusted Date Get Agreement on Proposal Meeting with management of business units B and F, as well as, representatives from the Project Management group to get agreement on proposal and set a start date for implementing recommendation. SmithComplete4/13/164/21/16 Discuss Tools and Guidelines Meeting with Project Management group to discuss what types of feedback questions are asked currently. Write up a guidance document that may contain possible feedback questions and data analysis examples. Smith, Project Mgmt Group Represent atives In Process 4/21/164/26/16 Communicate System Communicate to business units B and F and upper management on new feedback rule JonesIn Process 4/26/164/30/16 Monitor Effectiveness Obtain feedback data from next business process change to test whether the feedback loop helped in implementation process. Error Proofing Team Not Started 4/30/16TBD
Control Plan 27
Communication Plan 28