Identity Services What’s in a name? The difference between Project Lifecycle & Project Management Process By: Michael S. Andre.


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Presentation transcript:

Identity Services What’s in a name? The difference between Project Lifecycle & Project Management Process By: Michael S. Andre

Identity Services Everything is special... and has a name... KanbanKanban Waterfall A.D.D.I.E. ISO Ϭ6Ϭ PMBOK Capability Maturity Model Prince2 Sashimi Criterion Referenced Instruction AGILE SCRUM COSO COBIT ITILITIL SDL C PRiSM

Identity Services Every project should use a project life cycle framework and every project should use a project management method: depending on who you talk to, they are not the same thing.

Identity Services Frameworks are created by practitioners to support how to “do” work in a project. Project management (methods) support how you “manage” a project.

Identity Services Project Life Cycle (framework) Project Management (method/standard/knowledge base) Not the same thing as “Product” life cycle The PM method “typically” does not vary from project to project: plan – do – check - act Often have their origins in a particular industry, venue, or process PM methods are standard or criteria based, Life cycle methods can differ between projects based upon industry, venue, size, requirements Used to define, plan, control, monitor, and close ANY project (manage the project) Work that is being done to build the project deliverables Project management is used to build the schedule The majority of the work in the project schedule is the lifecycle work (tasks/activities) PM Methodology (PMBOK) or otherwise is exercised in every phase, (piece, section, iteration, sprint, span,) of the lifecycle Logical arrangement of activities to achieve project goals or objectives (manage the work) Looks at and affects the project as whole – i.e. holistic Life cycle stages are linear and are carried out to accomplish project goals and objectives Project methods always progressively elaborate and evolve over the duration of the project

Identity Services Warm Up... 1.How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? Stop and think about it. a.Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. 2.How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? a.Did you say, Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the refrigerator? b.Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions. 3.The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend..... Except one. Which animal does not attend? a.The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tests your memory. 4.Okay, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities. There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it? a.Correct Answer: You jump into the river and swim across. Haven’t you been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Conference. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

Identity Services Project Life Cycle or Project Management Method? ModelWhat is itWhere Typically UsedOrigin SCRUMProj Life Cycle FrameworkSystem/Software DevelopmentAcademia (Takeuchi & Nonaka) AgileProj Life Cycle FrameworkSystem/Software Development Evolved from academia and private sector PMBOKPM MethodAny ProjectProject Management Institute KanbanProj Life Cycle FrameworkAny ProjectToyota (Ohno) A.D.D.I.EInstructional Design FramewrkInstructional Design & DeliveryFlorida State University SashimiProj Life Cycle FrameworkSystem/Software DevelopmentPrivate sector (de Grace) Six SigmaProj Life Cycle FrameworkManufacturing Private sector (Motorola – Smith, GE – Welch) Critical ChainPM MethodAny ProjectPrivate sector (Goldratt) Criterion Ref. Instr.Instructional Design FramewrkInstructional Design & DeliveryAcademia (Mager) COBITIT Governance FrameworkAny IT Organization ISACA (Information Audit and Controls Assc.) Prince2PM MethodAny ProjectGovernment (U.K.) COSOInternal Gov & Controls FWAny Organization, Industry or VenuePrivate Sector Capability MaturityProj Life Cycle FrameworkSoftware Development ProcessesGovernment ITILITSM FrameworkAny Organization, Industry, or Venue Govt, Private sector and academia (Nolan, SEI, CMU) ISO21500PM MethodAny ProjectPrivate Sector WaterfallProj Life Cycle FrameworkSystem/Software Development Evolved in academia & private sector (Royce [antagonist] et. al.)

Identity Services Project Management PMBOK ISO21500 Prince2 PRiSM Project Life Cycle KanbanWaterfallAgileSCRUM WaterfallAgile

Identity Services Project Management is how you govern a project, the project life cycle (span) is a microcosm of that event – Agile and Waterfall are examples of methods used to do project work. PROJECT MANAGEMENT CYCLE (standard or method) PROJECT LIFE SPAN (cycle) (different for every model) INITIATE Analysis Design Develop Implement Evaluate Maintenance PLAN EXECUTE MONITOR & CONTROL CLOSE

Identity Services Differences Between Waterfall & Agile AgileWaterfall Origins go back to incremental software design in 1957 – Agile manifesto created in 2001 Origins go back to programming methodology in 1956 – term coined as early as 1976 Adaptive in nature, in particular as it pertains to quality and testing, caters to change adaptive = empirical Predictive in nature, defined by phases, great documentation, not flexible to requirements change Short iterations, repeating the same cyclePhase must be completed before going to the next phase SCRUM is a type of Agile framework defined by stand up meetings, sprints, specific terminology like SCRUM Master Sashimi is a type of “agile” waterfall, defined by portions of phases being revisited (overlapped) Uses loosely structured approachHas highly structured approach In a true agile environment, resources are co-locatedResources are distributed Uses paired programmingUses sophisticated test plans Final Costs often difficult to estimateCosts estimation can be more accurate

Identity Services Agile or Waterfall It doesn’t matter which one you “think” is better What matters, is which one enhances your “effectiveness” It doesn’t matter which one you “like” better

Identity Services At the end of the day, the thing that makes a project “better” is... YOU!