Career Related Programs at LHS Introductions College and Career Ready? Year by year overview of Career Exploration and Preparation Career Connections Questions
Who We Are Mrs. Hamilton – Counselor (A – E) Mrs. Trump – Career Connections Coordinator
Career Development Process Employability Skills Self Knowledge Career Awareness ExplorationEvaluation
Supporting the Process at Liberty High
12 th grade Narrow down your list of options for after graduation. Complete senior credit check with counselor Plan and complete applications for admissions Complete FAFSA in October Request letters of recommendation and transcripts Research/apply for scholarships Carefully evaluate offers Make any college decisions by May 1
11 th grade Retake PSAT for scholarship opportunities Select courses to complete Career Completer/Career Major for internship eligibility Advisory program: Resume writing and interview preparation Mock Interviews Career Connections applications/Dual enrollment applications Refine post-secondary exploration (college, military, trade school) Take SAT/ACT and consider ASVAB Attend session with reps from various colleges and military branches. Look for leadership and innovation in extra curriculars
10 th grade Take PSAT Use data to evaluate areas of strength Refine ECP Begin to explore using online career search tools (MBTI and Holland Code Quiz) Relate high school class experience to careers. Attend College 101 and College Fair Refine your list of clubs and activities
9 th Grade Begin Educational Career Plan Learn about completer programs and career majors Complete skills and interest inventory Experience completer presentations Begin to connect classroom experiences with personal skills and preferences Learn about career path options within your ECP Get involved with clubs and activities
CCPS Career Clusters
-Express your creative or musical talent. -Includes design, performing arts or fine arts. -Visual, creative, performing, applied, written and spoken arts. Arts (Pink) -Plan and do research -Observe and classify -Math, medicine, life, physical, social sciences -Study the environment, world cultures and people Science (Orange) -Recording, posting, filing, business records -Office work, contact with customers -Work with money, business machines, computers Social Services (Yellow) -Carry out sales and marketing -Use math concepts -Manage and plan projects -Work with all kinds of people -Work with your hands on construction, manufacturing, installation, repair -Problem solving skills -Create systems to perform a task -Be involved in engineering/structural design of goods or services Technical (Purple) Business Contact (Green) Business Operations (Blue) -Care for needs of others in social service, healthcare and education. -Health care, education, social, government, personal/customer services
Courses and Activities in the Arts Cluster (Pink) 9 th Grade Courses Spanish, French, German (World Languages) Concert Band (Fine Arts) Orchestra (Fine Arts) Chorus I (Fine Arts) Art I (Fine Arts) Dance I (Fine Arts) Drama I and II (Fine Arts) Activities Marching Band Colorguard Spring Musical Book Discussion Club Manga Club Writers Club Photography Club Signature Courses Journalism (English) Yearbook (English) Creative Writing (English) Honors Film and Lit (English) Public Speaking (English) Audition Groups In Vocal and Instrumental Music (Fine Arts) AP Lit (English) AP Studio Art (3 courses) Drama 3 and Technical Theater More Activities Drama Club Musical Pit School Plays Stage/Tech Crew Honor Societies in all areas of the arts.
Courses and Activities in the Business Contact Cluster (Green) 9 th Grade Courses Principles of Business Administration and Management Spanish, French, German (World Languages) Activities Academic Challenge Debate Club Leo Club Office holder in any club Model UN Club Student Government Signature Courses AP Statistics (Math) Journalism (English) Yearbook (English) Creative Writing (English) Honors Film and Lit (English) Honors Marketing (English) Public Speaking (English) Advanced Marketing - for college credit (Business) AP Economics (Social Studies) Sociology (Social Studies)
Courses and Activities in the Business Operations Cluster (Blue) 9 th Grade Courses Principles of Business Administration and Management Spanish, French, German (World Languages) Activities Academic Challenge Club Office Holder Game Club Chess Club Signature Courses AP Statistics (Math) Journalism (English) Yearbook (English) Public Speaking (English) Honors Accounting I (Business) Accounting II - for college credit (Business) Certification for Microsoft Office (Business) Advanced Business Management - for college credit (Business) AP Macro Economics (Social Studies) Sociology ( Social Studies)
Courses and Activities in the Science Cluster (0range) 9 th Grade Courses Spanish I (World Languages) Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (Agriscience) Activities Academic Challenge FFA Environmental Club Robotics Liberty Students for Healthy Decisions National Ocean Science Bowl Physics Olympics Signature Courses Science Research (Science) Health 3 AP Biology (Science) AP Chemistry (Science) AP Physics 1 and C (Science) AP Statistics (Math) AP Calculus and Advance AP Calculus AP Environmental Science Public Speaking (English) Psychology and AP Psychology (Social Studies) AP Human Geography Environmental Conservation and Energy
Courses and Activities in the Social Services Cluster (Yellow) 9 th Grade Courses Principles of Business Administration and Management Spanish, French, German (World Languages) Activities Academic Challenge Leo Club Drama Club Friends for Life Peer Mediator Peer Tutor Student Government Student Advisory Board Signature Courses AP Language and Composition (English) AP Literature and Composition (English) Journalism (English) Public Speaking (English) Internship in Early Childhood Education (Family & Consumer Science) Internship in Teacher’s Academy Business Capstone Project (Business) AP European History (Social Studies) AP Human Geography AP Psychology Any other capstone courses in an area of interest for secondary education teaching.
Courses and Activities in the Technical Cluster (Purple) 9 th Grade Courses Principles of Business Administration and Management Introduction to Agriculture, Foods, and Natural Resources (Agriscience) Activities Academic Challenge FFA Stage/Tech Crew Robotics Club Signature Courses Graphic Communications Advanced Technological Design Technological Issues and Impacts Yearbook (English) Animal and Plant Biotechnology (Agriscience) Agriculture Cooperative Internship (Agriscience) AP Statistics (Math) Any other signature course in AP Mathematics and AP Sciences
ECP with Required Classes Hon Intro to Ag Health
Completers A completer is series of courses in a specialized career area. Completer programs are available at the Career and Technology Center and/or home high schools
Examples of “in house” completers at LHS: Business (Accounting, Marketing, Administrative Services, Management) CASE-Animal, CASE-Plant, Wildlife & Natural Resources Homeland Security—Geographic Info. Systems (at Westminster High School) Teachers Academy of MD (some at WHS) Early Childhood Education
Examples of completers at the Career and Technology Center: Print Production/Video Production Project Lead the Way (Engineering) Academy of Health Masonry Cosmetology Auto/Diesel Homeland Security—Criminal Justice Computer Networking
Majors A major is a series of courses in a specialized career cluster offered in the building here at LHS. There are 31 different majors in a variety of career paths. A minimum of 4 credits of specified cross- curricular work constitutes a career major.
Examples of Majors: Social Work Law & Legal Services Sports & Recreation Visual Fine Arts Drama Dance Music Performance Mass Communications History Life Science Physical Science
ECP with Career Completer Health Found. Homeland Sec. S.T.A.R.S 1 and 2 S.T.A.R.S. 3 and 4 Capstone Hon Intro to Ag
What is Career Connections? Career Connections, Maryland's workforce preparation and economic development partnership, helps prepare today's students for the career and educational opportunities of tomorrow. Educators, businesses, students, and parents are working together to expand career development and provide opportunities for career exploration to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their future. Mock interviews (resume, interview skills) Career Speaker Day/Senior Presentations Internship placements Parent Partner Program Host/mentor an intern Mock interviews Career Speaker
Session Options: 5:25, 5:50, and 6:15 TopicLocation College and Career Readiness (Testing and Grad Requirements) Auditorium Technology at LHS (BYOD and Digital Citizenship) 458 Supporting your Student (How to get involved) 346 Helping Students Succeed (counselors role) 347