NUSTAR CALORIMETER WORKING GROUP News + organisation The goal of this working group was to find synergies between different calorimeter related developments within NUSTAR The truth : we are basically addressing R3B developments and in a minor extent EXL Issues: - activate the contact with HISPEC/DESPEC J. Tain (Valencia) - identify in our mailing list who is active in the field request information via mail +CC to all the NUSTAR spokesperson important because we have to start thinking about TDR - After signature of FAIR identify new formal collaborators (INDIA, RUSSIA) to be addressed in our next NUSTAR meeting
A spanish delegation visited St. Gobain crystals last week We had a long discussion with the experts + commercials Issues: NEWS FROM ST. GOBAIN on NEW SCINTILLATORS LaBr They currently achieve 2.6 % energy 662 keV They have developed a robust growing technique can go for production What do they offer is a “commercial” solution, the improvement is based on the fact that they can produce large pieces keeping the energy resolution Personal impression : the growing process is not as easy as they said LaCl They achieve a moderate energy resolution 662 keV The growing technique is really robust translated in lower prices Due to the lower performances compared with LaBr they have not spend any real effort in this product
St. Gobain wants to attract the nuclear physics community but they follow a very commercial approach Together we identify an R&D program, that once completed, would allow to go from crystals in its actual form to real nuclear physics detectors What do they expect from us is to sign an R&D contract with them (this basically means: we pay they work for us) this is something to be discussed in the different collaborations We pointed out the interest of establishing real collaboration on very focused subject This could be a first step towards the definition of a real R&D program To come back to the reality CsI (Tl) ……………..5-7 € cc LaCl 3 (Ce)……………20-30 € cc LaBr 3 (Ce)……………40-50 € cc
Calorimeter contact person in the Silicon group V.Avdeichikov Calorimeter contact person in the DAQ, FEE group R. Lemmon Prototype coordinator O. Tengblad R3B/EXL CALORIMETER News + organisation The mechanical engineering group of the University of Vigo has started to work in the mechanical design of the R3B calorimeter where we are? …. R3B/EXL CALORIMETER Prototype