HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access (ODA) in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Final Presentation - GSCB ESRIN 21. June 2011
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Agenda Slide 2 EO-WCS Concepts Overview Definitions Dataset Series - Past Dataset Series - Now Stitched Mosaics – Now Improvements with WCS and EO-WCS Future Developments Summary Task-3 Demonstration Server Administration – Adding a Dataset Series Client
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 EO-WCS Concepts - Overview Slide 3 Data structures: EO Coverage = Coverage + EO Metadata + Lineage RectifiedGridCoverage or ReferenceableGridCoverage Dataset = 2D “horizontal” EO Coverage Stitched Mosaic = homogeneous grouping Can be seen as a coverage itself Dataset Series = heterogeneous grouping Operations: Capabilities document: more flexible DescribeCoverage, GetCoverage: as known DescribeEOCoverageSet: spatio-temporal search possibility
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Definitions EO-WCS EO vocabularyEO-WCS scene / image / product / raster data (image) / raw data (image) / orthoimage dataset mosaic / seamless mosaicdataset long lat long lat j i rectified grid coverage refereceable grid coverage Slide 4
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Definitions EO-WCS EO vocabularyEO-WCS series / time seriesdataset series extraction from a 2-D dataset series by repeated GetCoverage Requests t long lat DescribeEOCoverageSet provides a set of dataset descriptions Slide 5
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Definitions EO-WCS EO vocabularyEO-WCS google-like mosaic / composite mosaic stitched mosaic lat long lat long t dataset series 2-D stitched mosaic Slide 6 DescribeEOCoverageSet (mosaic ID) provides a set of descriptions of the dataset used in the mosaic DescribeCoverage (mosic ID) provides a descriptions of the mosaic
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Definitions EO-WCS EO vocabularyEO-WCS collectiondataset series long lat t A B D E C A ….. dataset (e.g. scene) B ….. dataset (e.g. seamless mosaic) C ….. datasets of dataset series (e.g. time series) D ….. datasets of dataset series E ….. dataset series (e.g. collection) Slide 7 A dataset may be a member in different dataset series
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Dataset Series - Past Discover the required data using a Catalog Go to FTP-site Discover respective files Download 1 st big file Wait until download is finished Download 2 nd big file Wait … Download 3 rd big file Wait … Download other big files Wait … Extract the AOI from each file and throw away the rest What needs to be done if you just need a small AOI ?
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 9 With all that waiting, one may end up like this …. Credit: Ambro Dataset Series - Past
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 10 You may discover the required data using a Catalog You may Order using direct links from the Catalog for each item OR … You may use a EO-WCS enabled Client Request information about the dataset series Supply the AOI Supply your time-frame (TOI) You may request details for each Dataset Request the datasets of your AOI/TOI and Wait until download of the AOIs requested is finished What can EO- WCS do for you if you just need a small AOI ? Dataset Series - Now
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 11 That's much more rewarding … Dataset Series - Now Credit: Ambro
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 StitchedMosaic - Now Slide 12 But each pixel will keep its history Each coverage has its metadata record Overlaying coverages replace existing ones EO Metadata Record-1EO Metadata Record-2 EO-WCS allows to keep track of the metadata history of stitched mosaics?
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Improvements with WCS / EO-WCS Users No more endless file-listings on FTP-Servers without knowing file-content Less data download necessary you get only what you really need (AOIs/TOIs) Access to original data Providers Offer original data or rectified data No data duplication required Possibility of full integration into complex service chains (e.g. pass a coverage to a Web Processing Service, WPS) Better quality of service provisioning Slide 13
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 14 Future (1) Aim: EOxServer to become official Reference Implementation of EO-WCS Full integration of results from OWS-8 Support of the envisaged band subsetting extension Coverage format support: NetCDF (including the option for CF-netCDF) (via GDAL) JPEG2000 (via some available Open Source implementation (TBD)) HDF-EOS (via GDAL) Ongoing development in parallel ESA funded project O3S (Online Open-standard Observation Service) Demonstrate scalability with large number of coverages ( FP7 EarthServer Project) Coupling of rasdaman and EOxServer (combine WCPS and EO-WCS) WCS & EOxServer
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 15 Future (2) Support FTP as Back-end access protocol (e.g. towards legacy Rolling Archives, Virtual Archives) Demonstrate suitability for complex Use Cases WCS-T, WCPS, ReferenceableGridCoverages WCS extensions (Standards & Implementation): CRS, Scaling & Interpolation, RangeSubsetting Tools for automation of Administration tasks (e.g. hourly updating of offered coverages) Provision of TEAM 2.0 compatible conformance test suites Generalize EOxServer to support other Map-Servers Update WCS Client to support further extensions WCS & EOxServer
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 16 Task-3 Achievements WCS 2.0 released as OGC Implementation Standard EO-WCS as OGC Implementation Standard (to be released soon) Implementation of WCS 2.0 Server ( MapServer) Implementation of EO-WCS Server ( EOxServer) Implementation of WCS 2.0/EO-WCS enabled Client ( WebMapViewer ) Summary
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Slide 17 Demonstration – Server Administration Interface – show easiness of adding a Dataset Series to EOxServer (3min) Demonstration – Client Integrated in overall Demo-Scenario Discover EO Product within a Dataset Series through AOI and time period (TOI) Visualize Coverage Influence Portrayal Download Coverage Show coverage metadata Demonstration
HMA-FO ODA, June 2011 Contacts EOX IT Services GmbH, Austria (Prime) G.I.M. Geographic Information Management nv/sa, Belgium Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany Spot Image SA, France