Number Bonds Pauline Kilbride Leicestershire County Council
Topic Number Bonds Ideas Aims To get parents and children working together on activities to support learning about number bonds. Teacher to supply a pack of cards, and print a set of flip flaps in advance Level Entry Level Method Number Bonds Ideas, Teacher to supply a pack of cards, and print of a set of flip flaps in advance of the lesson. Equipment Teacher to supply cards Cut out Flip Flaps Pens/Pencils Paper if needed Duration >10 to 20 Minutes
Flip Flap Templates Copy onto card. Colour pictures and cut out the squares, cover them (both sides) with sticky back plastic, keeping the same layout as on the template, but leaving a small space between each square. They are now easily folded backwards, to use in quick fire mental maths activities. They can be folded back in various ways to show every combination for number bonds to 10. Examples of questions to use: How many can you see? How many can I see? You can see 8. How many can I see?
Jigsaws Make simple 2 piece puzzles using rectangles which can be cut up and matched as number bonds to 10:
Card Games Use a normal pack of playing cards, picture cards and tens removed. Snap - where you shout when you see number bonds to 10, rather than doubles. Patience - deal six cards and cover pairs of numbers that add up to 10, rather than matching pairs. Pelmanism – deal cards face down pick up 2 at a time and try to find number bonds to 10, rather than matching pairs.
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