Love God. Love Others. Change the World.
Alternative Lifestyle Motivation Be quick to forgive others (vs. 32) Give grace through words of life (vs. 29) Work hard (vs. 28) Live connected (vs. 25) Because we are members one of another (vs. 25) So that we can share with anyone in need (vs. 28) Because God in Christ forgave us (vs. 32) To build up others (vs. 29) “do not to grieve the Holy Spirit” (vs. 30) No opportunity for the devil (vs. 27)
The Impact of One All sin is relational!
“Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Not True “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will literally destroy me.”
The reality is… Proverbs 18:21
Words That Deform “You are not good enough” “You are so stupid!” “You good for nothing…” “Why can’t you be more like your brother/sister?” “You were a mistake” “Is this the best you can do?” “Get out of my sight!” “Tomorrow, we will…” (Still waiting for tomorrow)
The De-Formation Process Identity Deformed by EnviesDespises ExtractsDetracts Takes life from others Tears down to put self up Deforms Others
Power of Words Forms Creative Word Fosters, imprints and shapes life Deforms Destructive Word Minimizes, destroy and denies life Reforms Restorative Word Re-values, re- humanizes, re- dignifies, and restores life The Retro-fit
Just A Thought! If we spent more time using creative words then we would no longer need to spend as much time on restorative words. – Well formed identities don’t need to be restored, they need to be refined.
Let’s Clarify, Christianity is… …a Word / words based culture …incarnation / “gift of presence” …a way of life “Please try this at home”
The Re-Formation Process Identity In Christ CelebratesEquips Calls Out Releases Identifies God-given potential Builds to their potential Reforms Others
Sacrament of Conversation 1.Communicates God’s grace 2.Calls out who the person is – potential 3.Build up towards that potential
What Now? The Prayer of Presence Lord, I pause today and thank you for the love you have given me. I now ask you to open my eyes to see your creation as you do. Help me to see the God-given potential that is in my…I choose to look for their potential and give myself to drawing that out by my words and actions.
Practice Verbal Exercise Routine Verbally thank God daily – be specific Affirm your family daily –Dosage: One affirmation per day per person Call out the beauty God has placed in others – forward focus
Practice cont… Start small try saying the following: –“Thank you,” “your welcome,” “I appreciate that,” “you are so kind,” “your thoughtfulness blesses me.” Look for evidence of God’s handiwork in everyone and simply call it out. –In so doing, we give praise to God.
“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Eph 4:31-32).