SHS Spirit Line Pre-Tryout Information for Parents/Candidates After viewing this presentation, please print & sign the verification form under downloads on the Spiritline Webpage or within the packet entitled Spiritline Tryout Documents. Also, please schedule a physical appointment for your athlete!
Things To Do PRIOR To Clinic 1.Print and fill out and TURN IN all forms listed under All Tryout Forms for SPIRITLINE on Spiritline website. 2.Get a physical, complete online Brainbook & Concussion Testing. (links, forms, directions on Spiritline website.) 3. Get your academic references completed and turned in. 4. Work on stretching & conditioning. 5. Find appropriate shirt, shoes, shorts for tryout day. RESULTS The names of those selected for the SHS Varsity Spirit Line will be posted on the SHS website under SPORTS/SPIRITLINE in alphabetical order. This is to ensure that all candidates can look at the results list privately. Any candidates not selected this year are encouraged to work on selection criteria and try out again the following season.
Tryout Requirements & Procedures Concussion Testing (9 th -11 th grade only): Monday, March 28, 3:15 / Lab 111 Tryout Clinic (SHS Small Gym) April 11, 12, & 13, 20163:30pm – 4:30pm (Monday-Wednesday) Tryouts (SHS Small Gym) April 14, :45pm – ?pm (Thursday)
OUR WEBSITE /exec/eHome.asp?set_site_to=S HS&division=Site:+Sports&group _is=21&group_id=99
List of What Comprises the TRYOUT PACKET & REQUIRED FORMS: Please print the SPIRITLINE TRYOUT DOCUMENTS form located on the SHS Spiritline webpage and turn this in to Lisa Wood at SHS. You can give them to the SHS Main Office to put in Coach Wood’s box or give them to Coach Wood in Room 104 located in Freshmen Hall. TURN IN ACADEMIC REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRES by March 28, 2016 and TURN IN ALL OTHER FORMS CONTAINED WITHIN THE PACKET BY April 11, 2015 at 3:14pm: Forms within the packet include: 1. Spiritline Informational PowerPoint Viewing Verification(p. 1) 2. SHS Spiritline Policies Contract/Photo & Stunt Release (p. 3) 3. SHS Spirit Line Application (p. 4) 4. Tryout Permission/Medical Information Form (p. 5) 5. Academic Reference Questionnaire (p. 6)
No one will be allowed to watch during clinic days and tryout day except students who are trying out! No friends, no family may attend. Absolutely no jewelry for clinic or tryouts!!!! Hair must be pulled back and fingernails must be short/trimmed. These are safety precautions and AIA rules. (Arizona Interscholastic Association) Clinic Days/Tryout Day
Fundraising & Tax Credit Donations Projected Cost for Each Cheerleader is approximately $ (seven sponsors) **Need to have this amount collected by July 15, 2016! OPTIONS: Tax Credit Donation Write a Check Get Banner Sponsors
Banner Sponsor Fundraiser **Need to have $700 paid by July 15, 2016! This is the approximate amount we are projecting for season expenses. Banner Sponsor Forms are under DOWNLOADS on Spirit Line Webpage. If selected, each team member has until July 15 th to obtain 7 banner sponsors, the equivalent in tax credit donations, or pay the $
Tax Credit Donations *A GREAT way to pay for Spirit Line costs! Individuals can donate up to $200. Couples can donate up to $400. Encourage your friends, relatives, etc. to do a tax credit donation to Spirit Line. Every penny comes back to you when you file your state income tax!
Tax Credit Donations Example 1: You donate $400 to Spirit Line Tax Credit account $ Az State Tax You OWE $ Instead of OWING, you would get refund--- $ Example 2: You donate $400 to Spirit Line Tax Credit account $ Your Az State Tax REFUND was---- $ Now your refund goes up to $ Basically you LOAN $400 to the state, they pay you back at tax time, and THE STATE ends up paying all of your Spirit Line expenses.
Sports Fees Spiritline is Now Designated as a 2-Season Sport These athletes complete both the Fall (football cheerleading) and Winter (basketball cheerleading) seasons. Therefore they will receive two varsity letters each year if they complete both seasons. Accordingly they will also need to pay two $60 seasonal sports fees. The fall sports fee will be paid by parents/ guardians. Athletes will have the opportunity to fundraise for the winter sports fee.
WEIGHTS CLASS All cheerleaders are STRONGLY encouraged to sign up for Varsity Weights. This way you would be doing strength training and conditioning on a daily basis which will help make you a better, stronger Spirit Line Team Member!!!! Questions? Please them to DANCE CLASS Cheerleaders are also encouraged to take SHS Advanced Dance class if it is possible to fit that in your schedule as well. Dance class will help you hone your dance technique for pom!!
SUMMER CAMP Camp is scheduled in the SHS large gym from 12:30pm to 6:30pm from August 1-4, Mark your calendar please! All team members are required to attend this team camp. Eighth graders who want to try out after school starts may attend this camp as well. The cost of the camp is $300 each. You will have the opportunity to fundraise/obtain sponsors to help you pay for camp. As with all other Spirit Line expenses, you can choose to pay out of pocket if you prefer not to fundraise. Questions? Please them to
Last Thoughts Mostly, we want to have FUN and promote school SPIRIT! FRESHMEN & NEW STUDENTS will have the challenge of learning all routines/chants/cheers, etc. in a short amount of time. Upon selection, these new team members will enter a probationary period and be given a reasonable amount of time to catch up. Any new member who cannot catch on sufficiently will be cut from the team and asked to try out for the following school year. Questions? Please them to