The larger and well-known restaurant, the more quality work staff it requires. No matter where the employee works - in the kitchen or in the hall, he must take care that the visitors were satisfied. In team staff there is a hierarchy, each - their clearly defined responsibilities.
Chef. Monitors the work of the kitchen and give instructions. He is the menu, making calculations and make purchases. It monitors the production of food and check their quality before serving. New recipes and changes to the menu, the chef discusses with host institution. Thus, both should be well informed about the culinary novelties. In addition, the chef is responsible for compliance with the rules of hygiene and the recruitment of new staff. For visitors it - face the kitchen.
Sous-chef. Receives orders from the chef, and transmits them to other chefs who manages a variety of shops. Sometimes he performs the functions of a chef or replace him when he is absent. Usually sous-chef in charge of one of the shops in the kitchen.
Chef de Nati Responsible for one of the workshops, ie part of the kitchen, which is engaged in manufacturing a certain dish or an ingredient. If his post is not very significant, chef de party called demi-chef.
Cook Cook - a man whose profession is cooking. CookMost likely, the word "chef" came from the East Slavic "var" means the boiling water and heat [1]. On the Navy as a cook called the cook.Preparing soups, main dishes, other food. Knows how to store food, cook different dishes on the recipes and can execute cooked. Organizes the storage of products in accordance with the sanitary standards. Despite the fact that the chef in catering enjoys established recipes, it can modify them according to the quality of raw materials and contingent consumers. Run indoors at elevated temperatures.
Assistant cook Specialist who has already graduated, he prepares dishes under the guidance of chef, he answers of promises, which is necessary for cooking in this shop.
Dishwasher Promises washes, cleans cookware can perform simple preparatory work.
Saucier Preparing sauces, can also prepare hot snacks. In some shops Saucier can prepare simple meals of meat or fish. This is one of the most important and responsible positions in the kitchen.
Rotisse Not only roasts the meat but also deals with all dishes are cooked on the grill and deep-fried, including French fries.
Poisson Deals exclusively with fish dishes and seafood.
Garde-Magnier Is responsible for the preparation of cold appetizers and salads, is the composition of cold appetizers. Also deals with raw meat and is responsible for cold stores.
Baker This post is only in the large hotel restaurant. Every day they are baked fresh bread, which will yield for breakfast, as well as an addition to various dishes.
In addition to these key positions, there are others. Responsible for monitoring the bar serving bar. Chef de Garde is preparing products and allocate responsibilities among cooks and other kitchen workers. Potazher preparing vegetable dishes. Aegume organic vegetables. Warmers (cook) helps to cook in cooking or perform other types of work, such as brushing the pan. The kitchens of great restaurants also work butchers, voices; are engaged in the preparation of ice cream, and konfise - confectioners, manufactures candy and other sweets.