Well come to E waste recyclersE waste recyclers
Processes of E waste Grading
Classification of e-waste E-waste encompasses ever growing range of obsolete products classified as1. Electronic devices such as computers, servers, mainframes, monitors, TVs & display devices2. Telecommunication devices such as cellular phones &pagers, calculators, audio and video devices, printers, scanners, fax machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and microwave ovens.
world will face many problems
The process of E waste recycling
Meaning of E-wasteMeaning of E-waste: Those electronic equipments/ products that we through change because of advancement in technology changes in fashion, style and status nearing the end of their useful life
Types of e-waste components Computers Telecom TV Calculators Audio Scanners Printers Microwave Air Conditioner Mobile phone Washing Machine Cartridges Military electronic Mother board AlarmSirens Automobile Catalytic Converter SensorCD Security Device
Scenario Every house having electronic equipments Business necessity More than million tons e-waste worldwide / year Asia-estimate of 15 million tons/ year 50-80% e-waste collected in US and other developed countries exported to third world countries E-waste is still the fastest growing municipal waste
m tons in India of which 12.6% recycled Growth – 40% / yr 22to 24 million computers and televisions are added to storage each year 400 m units to be scrapped by end of decade 8% of municipal waste in EU and 2-5% in US 1-22 kg per person/p.a and growing at 3 times faster than the municipal waste.
Indians upgrade or exchange their Mobile Phone every 18 months, meaning there are approximately 12 million unused mobile phones stashed away at home or in the office Average working life of a mobile phone is 6 years but worldwide the average consumer changes their mobile every 7 months Indians purchased 40 million mobile phones in past 5 years including 9.28 million in 2007
Over one billion mobile phone handsets were currently in use around the world till 2010 In 2009, it was estimated that each year 180 million mobile phones in the US and 110 million mobile phones in Europe will be thrown away 900 million obsolete phones discarded in 2010 contained an estimated 900,000 kg of lead in the form of solder
Thank You Contact Us E-WASTE RECYCLERS INDIA Delhi Office :- Nirmal Villa,14,Sitapuri Dwarka New Delhi, India Regd. Office & Work :- E-50, UPSIDC Industrial Area, 98 KM Stone, NH 2, Kosi Kotawan Distt Mathura, U.P., INDIA Mob. : , Toll Free: