The Recycling of Materials and Decomposers By: Ziyad Alkhulaidi 9B Br.Nassry
What is decomposition? Decomposition is the process when organic substances is broken down into simpler forms of matter. In this process, matter recycles. Living organisms begin to decompose after death.
What are decomposers ? - Decomposers are living things that depend on eating dead plants & animals. -The reason why they eat dead plants and animals is because it reduces them into simpler forms of matter.
Examples of Decomposers Worms Molds Fungus Bacteria Mushrooms
Scavengers also acted as decomposers. Scavengers eat dead animals. They break down animals and then the decomposers further decompose the material. The decomposers break it down into chemicals such as carbon, and nitrogen. Plants and animals can use this !
How does decomposition affect the environment? Decomposition is very relative to where the material is being decomposed. Dry air really slows down decomposition. Moist places helps with the decomposition to be fast. If things don’t decompose, the earth becomes filled with our garbage, plastics, and everything else.
Tips on recycling and reducing waste Reuse bags and containers. Use old newspapers as wrapping paper Donate clothes and toys to a local shelter or second hand store. Organize an in-home recycling center and teach your family how to use it. Have separate bins for glass, plastics, and newspaper/cardboard. Use dish towels to wipe up messes instead of paper towels. Choose paper over plastic
FUN facts about Decomposition. Different matter takes different time for it to decompose. Examples are the following: -Banana peel decomposes within 2 to 10 days. -cigarette decomposes within 12 years. - Leather shoes decomposes within 20 to 40years. - Plastic bags waste within 15 to1000 years.
What do you do with your garbage? It is very important for you to recycle the materials that you no longer need, such as plastic bags and bottles. It may not be useful now, but it can be in the future.
Conclusion -As you can see decomposers has such a positive impact in world. -If decomposition never occurred many plants and won’t get the nutrients they today. -Decomposers are important for the food chain and they are nature’s recyclers. -They return the nutrition back to earth to be reused for new generations of organism.