Effective Teaching Methods – 12 Bar Blues Over Two Lessons Starter: Discussion of success criteria for the lesson. Knowledge and Comprehension: What do you think the term ‘Blues’ is in music? – Discuss for 20 seconds and have as many hands up as possible – allows me to engage quieter learners in answering questions. Knowledge/Comprehension/Analysis: Watch a short, authentic YouTube clip – Develops contextual understanding. Split into groups to answer whilst watching What are the songs about? What instruments are used? How many chords? Is it repeated? Lesson One - Introduction:
Main: Knowledge: 12 bar Blues – model to the class on chosen instrument (keyboard or ukulele) what a 12 Bar Blues is. Application/Psychomotor: Practising the Blues - chord tables – assigned to a chord, differentiation – H.A – Lead table and play more than one chord, L.A – Play one chord – help from H.A. cooperation, self management, communication, participation, team building skills, listening, chord technique, rhythm, singing, rehearsal skills. Application/Psychomotor: Perform as a class – just the chords. Listening, performing, communication, participation. Run through the vocal line separately and attempt singing and playing – NC L4+ Analysis/Evaluate: What was good? What could be improved? - Critical thinking, peer feedback and teacher feedback – understanding how to improve. Reflect: Personal target for next lesson.
Lesson Two: Listening, Recognising and Playing The Blues Starter: Application/Comprehension: Recap over Blues Chords – Use dance moves to recap. Play a 12 Bar Blues and the learners have to use the different dance moves for the chord changes – understand the chord structure. Visual - chord chart and diagrams used. Dance Moves: C – Salute, F – Funky chicken, G – Gangham Style. Combines kinaesthetic, visual, verbal and listening skills.
Main: Pick a NC level and apply the success criteria for their chosen level to their learning – Personal target, self management, begin to establish an awareness of the assessment levels. Application/Pshychomotor: Rehearse in groups the 12 Bar Blues. Formative feedback throughout. Develop an understanding of how to improve. Independent enquirers about chords, possible structures. Plenary: Synthesis: Perform at the end of the lesson – Formative Assessment: Peer feedback and teacher feedback. Evaluate/Reflect: Good Because… Better if… Personal and group target for next lesson. Understanding of how to improve and what level they are currently working at.
Effective because… A combination visual, audible, kinetic techniques used All learners took part in musical learning All learners showed a journey of learning All learners showed cooperation, critical thinking, listening and communication skills H.I learners – vibrotactile methods – (feeling vibrations), visual and modelling – allowed learners to take part in playing 2 chords on the ukulele
Things that I would do differently: Lesson 1: A better starter for H.I learners inclusion. Lesson 2: I completely forgot to use my name selector for the group performance selections! – Ensure that I use it. I did not get through all learners’ performances in the lesson – Time management or make learners aware that a selection of groups will be performing.