A Day in the Life of Your First Grader!
Good Morning! Morning Routine Pledge of Allegiance Morning News Math Word Problem of the Day Read, Write, or Math Game
Morning Meeting Structured, purposeful, and fun way to start each day on a positive note and build a strong sense of classroom community. Lasts about minutes, takes place in circle, and follows a predictable structure, which students come to rely on. We explore science, math, and language arts in interesting and intriguing ways, simultaneously building community and social skills.
Specials 8:35-9:20 Week A Mon. – Passion Monday Tues. – Media and Science Wed. – Art Thurs. – Music Fri. – PE Big Gym Week B Mon. – Passion Monday Tues. – Vogt Wed. – Strategy Games Thurs. – Music Fri. - PE
Snack Time and Brain Break with Go Noodle! Please send in healthy snack daily
Literacy Teacher’s Playbook 1. Collecting Data 2. Analyzing Data: Making Discoveries from Student Work 3. Interpreting Data and Establishing a Goal 4. Creating an Action Plan
Guided/Shared Reading Components of Balanced Literacy Read Aloud Shared Reading Word Detectives in Independent Reading Lucy Calkins Units of Study Reading
Writers Workshop Helping children to develop essential writing skills through mini-lessons, modeled writing, shared writing, and independent writing.
Spelling, Phonics, Wordwork Kendore Phonics Spelling Sight Words Fluency Voice recording apps
Handwriting Holding the pencil correctly Zaner Bloser block style letter formation Spacing & Using the lines Strengthening those hand muscles / fine motor skills: coloring, play dough, cutting & pasting Reversals Practice, practice, practice!!
Lunch and Birthday Treats Our lunchtime is from 11:25 until 11:55 each day. Please feel free to join us! Birthday treats: A popsicle on the picnic table or in the gazebo is a special treat!
Math Talk Classroom dialogue engages students, encourages them to learn more, and allows for the exploration of ideas, strategies, procedures, facts, and more.
Math Workshop M = Math Facts A = At your Seat T = Teacher’s Choice H= Hands On
Recess! Time to Play!
Activities, stories, experiments, projects, and games to teach Science, Social Studies, and Health To be integrated into Reading and Writing time. Social Studies and Science Life Science: Characteristics of Living things – Plants and Animals Physical Science: Sound, Shadows and Magnets Earth Science: Weather Patterns and Seasons
I wanted to share a few tips so that the BYOT initiative continues to be a success. 1. Make sure that the device is fully charged every day. 2. Make sure your child can access the internet. (They will connect to the BYOT network at school.) 3. Please be sure to have a simple note-taking app already uploaded. (Notability) 4. Please have your child practice logging in to itslearning everyday.
Your Children Are the Reason I am looking forward to working with your child with great expectations! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. My is and the school number is There are many ways you can help your child to be successful in school. Give lots of praise for work well done. Be sure to comment and ask about all papers and projects that come home, and most importantly, read with your child! In doing this, you become an active participant in your child’s education. Make memories, Enjoy Every minute of first grade! They grow up so fast