Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2016 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence.
www. pdst. ie TY PICNIC 2016 Hodson Bay Hotel 7 th September 2016
www. pdst. ie Picnic Agenda TIME 9.00 – 9.30Registration 9.30 – 9.45Welcome and Updates 9.45 – 10.30Wellbeing in TY – 10.45Planning in TY – 11.00Get up and Go – 11.30Coffee: Share an idea – 11.50Music and Art in TY – 12.00Opportunities for professional dialogue using Padlet –12.20Apprenticeships – 12.40Ongoing Assessment using e-Portfolios in TY – 1.00Launch of MFL initiative 1.00 – 2.00Lunch: Conversation and sharing of Ideas 2.00 – 2.30Healthy eating 2.30 – 2.40Evaluating TY 2.40 – 2.55Team Teaching in TY 2.55 – 3.10Inputs from organisations 3.10 – 3.25TeachMeet 3.25 – 3.30Close and Distribution of Resources
www. pdst. ie Welcome and Updates
www. pdst. ie Planning in TY Revised booklet – Exploring Planning in TY – Subject Plan template – Plan checklist – Resources online –
www. pdst. ie Planning in TY – Whole School
www. pdst. ie Four Layers of a TY Programme “The Onion”
www. pdst. ie Aims & Mission Statement – Why TY in this school? – Three circles – Relate to the Mission of TY – Relate to the national guidelines – Relate to the School Mission Statement – Take into account needs of pupils/parents Part 1: General Introduction
www. pdst. ie AIMS of Transition Year Education for MATURITY with emphasis on social awareness & increased social competence Education Through experience of ADULT & WORKING LIFE as a basis for personal development & maturity Promotion of general, technical and academic SKILLS with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning
www. pdst. ie Assessment Policy Evaluation of TY Enrolment Policy School Self Evaluation Part 1: General Introduction
www. pdst. ie The Transition Year Programme Design DeliveryAssessment Evaluation
www. pdst. ie Agreed format Well thought out coherent programme Subject in terms of contribution to overall aims of TY Focus on students needs Interdisciplinary learning Part 2: Individual subjects & Modules
www. pdst. ie 2.1 Title of Subject or Module 2.2 Approximate duration of Module 2.3 Aims 2.4 Course Outline: – Learning Intentions – Teaching and Learning Strategies – Resources – Success Criteria – Assessment 2.5 Cross-curricular Links 2.6 Evaluation Part 2: Individual Subjects
www. pdst. ie What this subject is about – why it is being taught? How contributes to overall programme Provides a framework for the organisation of the subject General statement of intent – Aspirational 2.3 Aims
www. pdst. ie Learning Intentions Teaching & Learning Methodologies incl. Numeracy and Literacy ResourcesSuccess Criteria Assessment 2.4 Course Outline
www. pdst. ie Learning Intentions What you want the students to be able to do at the end of the module Will determine what and how we teach Should be linked with assessment, resources and teaching methodologies Should be stated in terms of “On completion of this module students will be able to …” Learning Intentions
www. pdst. ie On conclusion of this module the student will be able to: Make a 5min presentation on … write a report compare and contrast … Sample Learning Intentions
www. pdst. ie A key feature of Transition Year should be the use of a wide range/learning methodologies and situations Where Leaving Certificate material is chosen for study it should be done so on the clear understanding that it is to be explored in an original and stimulating way that is significantly different from the way it would have been treated in the two years to Leaving Certificate (Transition Year Programme Guidelines for Schools 1995) Link T&L methodology to Learning Intention Teaching & Learning Methodologies
www. pdst. ie Resource linked to learning intention Resources: – Hyperlink to shared folder or website PDST developed resources NCCA Transition Units Teacher/school developed Other sources Resources
www. pdst. ie What will the students need to do to achieve the learning intentions? How will you and they know what has been achieved? Can be: – a series of steps/sequence of instructions – a list of options/menu from which the students can choose – Students must/should/could Success Criteria
www. pdst. ie Assessment is about gathering, interpreting and using information about the processes and outcomes of learning (NCCA 2003) Assessment should be an integral part of the learning process in Transition Year not separate from it (TYP Guidelines) Assessment
www. pdst. ie Effective Feedback – Oral – most powerful impact – Marks/grading only- does little to improve learning – Written comment - quality more important than frequency Ongoing Assessment
www. pdst. ie Agreed structure: – Credits – Rating scales – Merit/distinction/pass When to assess – Ongoing, – End of term – End of module – Project/assignment completion Are all aspects of TY Assessed? TY Summative Assessment
www. pdst. ie Written & Practical Oral & Aural Project work Portfolios/folders ePortfolios Student logs or diaries Work experience Exhibition of work Student participation of the process Interviews Assessment methods
www. pdst. ie Balance in TY
www. pdst. ie Cross Curricular Competencies..How ? By Teaching Methodology …Projects By Theme … Justice, Bogs By Event … School musical Cross-curricular work in T.Y.
www. pdst. ie Evaluation is: “A process of obtaining information and using it to form judgements which in turn are to be used in decision making” Evaluation may be : External - conducted by Inspectorate Internal - conducted by the School 2.6 Evaluation
www. pdst. ie Refresher (day) workshops TY evening workshops In-school support – TY core team, leadership – Whole-school PDST Support
www. pdst. ie Sharing Ideas – Professional Dialogue
www. pdst. ie Transition Year Pilot Overview Assessment using ePortfolios Brendan Waldron
www. pdst. ie PDST Pilot: – Investigate how ePortfolios can be used in a Transition year context Focus on ongoing assessment Using ICT as a tool to enhance assessment and Using ICT for the creation, management and administration of ePortfolios – 26 schools participating nationwide ePortfolios in TY
www. pdst. ie Key Messages – Digital tools can be used in a variety of scenarios to enhance assessment in a classroom setting. – Digital tools allow for content creation, collaboration and assessment across the curriculum. – Digital tools can be used to easily create and manage student, class and teacher ePortfolios. – Understanding copyright and responsible use of ICT is a key skill for all teachers to enable them to integrate the use of digital tools in their classroom. – Digital tools can be used to show how differentiated learning can be applied in practice ePortfolios in TY
www. pdst. ie Ongoing Assessment – Students engage in assessment activities that can be either formative or summative in nature. What we are doing already – Teachers assess as part of their daily practice by observing and listening as students carry out tasks, by looking at what they write and make, and by considering how they respond to, frame and ask questions. Assessment
www. pdst. ie Formative Assessment – Assessment for Learning (AFL) – Assessment is formative when either formal or informal procedures are used to gather evidence of learning during the learning process, and used to adapt teaching to meet student needs. – The process permits teachers and students to collect information about student progress, and to suggest adjustments to the teacher’s approach to instruction and the student’s approach to learning. Assessment
www. pdst. ie Assessment
www. pdst. ie Assessment: A balanced approach Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning are complementary approaches - it’s about getting the balance right. (Spendlove, 2009) Assessment
www. pdst. ie Assessment
www. pdst. ie What are your current methods of assessment in TY? Assessment in TY
www. pdst. ie “A key feature of Transition Year should be the use of a wide range of teaching/learning methodologies and situations. The goals and objectives of the programme can best be achieved by placing particular emphasis on:” Negotiated learning; Personal responsibility in learning; Activity-based learning; Integration of appropriate areas of learning; Team teaching approaches; Group work: discussion, debate, interview, role play; Project work and research; Visiting speakers and seminars; Study visits and field trips; Work experience, work simulation, community service. TY Programme
www. pdst. ie “Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. It should be diagnostic, so as to provide accurate information with regard to pupil strengths and weaknesses, and formative..” “Pupils should be assessed on all aspects of the programme…may include any or all of the following:” Summative evaluation: an overall statement of pupil performance by the teachers; Written, practical, oral and aural assessments; Report of work experience; Projects, portfolios and exhibition of work; Pupil diary/log book to record personal progress; Rating scales, record of skills, and competence attained. TY Programme
www. pdst. ie TY has a history of using portfolios, both ePortfolios and “hardcopy” portfolios – Showcasing work – Diaries – Career investigations, work experience – Reflections, reports and logs – Collating certificates, photos etc Portfolios in TY
www. pdst. ie The essential nature of an ePortfolio for learning is not as a repository but as a place for reflection (Batson, 2009, Cited in JISC 2015) It is a reflection of the student as a person undergoing continuous personal development, not just a store of evidence. (Rebbeck, 2014, Cited in JISC 2015) Understanding ePortfolios
Process Product Learning ePortfolios in the present
www. pdst. ie Ongoing Assessment using ePortfolio Pilot TY ePortfolio workspace Storage showcase
www. pdst. ie Example Ongoing Assessment using ePortfolios StorageWorkspaceShowcase All files saved into the one section. Correction of project drafts Presentation by students at the end of year. Traditionally this has been done using paper portfolio. They can now incorporate various media into their presentation.
www. pdst. ie 1:What areas of TY can ePortfolios be used in your school? 2: How can eportfolios improve ongoing assessment? 3: Are ePortfolios/Portfolios part of your TY Assessment Policy? ePortfolios in TY
www. pdst. ie 20 th September: Shared Learning and CPD day In-school CPD for pilot schools – Based on needs of school – Link advisor for school Celebration and Report launch Pilot
www. pdst. ie The Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection (EQI) in DCU will evaluate the project It will publish a report in April 2017 Pilot schools will be involved in methods of evaluation: – School visits, interviews – Data gathering Evaluation of Pilot