If I were US president, I'd give free pies to all.... Britney Spears Los Angeles: Britney Spears says that if she were the president of the US, she would give free pies to everyone and build a nightclub on the moon. Spears' 10 presidential pledges are: 1. "I'd be the first president to wear eye shadow since Nixon" 2. "We would only invade fun places, like Cabo" 3. "Free pie for everybody" 4. "My situation room would be a cabana at the Palms Casino in Las Vegas" 5. "I'd lure Osama bin Laden out of hiding with the irresistible scent of my new fragrance Circus Fantasy" 6. "Every presidential news conference would feature costume changes" 7. "If I was president America might have a more coherent fiscal strategy" 8. "I would challenge US to put a nightclub on the moon by the end of the decade" 9. "Three words: Vice President Diddy" 10. "Finally, the media would pay some attention to me"
SECOND CONDITIONAL / Druhý kondicionál Pomocí druhého kondicionálu mluvíme o nereálných věcech, o tom, co by bylo, kdyby.... Říká, co by teď bylo, kdyby podmínka byla splněna (ale splněna není a tak to tak není). Vedlejší věta zde také nejčastěji používá spojku IF, kterou zde můžeme přeložit jako 'kdyby'. if = kdyby Tyto věty mluví o přítomnosti. V hlavní větě najdeme podmiňovací způsob (would) a ve vedlejší se používá minulý čas. If I had more time, I would study English every day. If + minulý čas would + sloveso vedlejší podmínková věta hlavní věta
EXERCISES First Conditional or Second Conditional Quiz Look at those clouds. If it ______ (rain), we ______ (get) wet. The bus is late. If it ________ (not arrive) soon, we___________ (get) a taxi. My sister is very clever. If I ________ (work) harder, I _____ (be) as clever as my sister. I'm really tired. If I ______ (not be) tired, I ____ (come) over. Susan usually does the cooking at home. If she ____________ (cook) tonight, we ___________ (have) borsht. It's only a short journey. If we ________ (get) there before lunchtime, we____________ (have) time to go shopping. Do you want my advice? If I ___________ (be) you, I __________(find) a new girlfriend.
EXERCISES Insert the correct form of the verbs in brackets so that the sentences express real conditions and consequences.(first conditional) If I ___(see) John, I'll tell him your news. He ___(be) very pleased if it (be) really true. If you ___(go) to town on Monday, you ___( meet) my brother. If you __(need) help, my father ___(help) you. We __(have) a picnic lunch if the day____ (be) fine. If you_____ (see) a policeman, he ____(tell) you the way. I___ (finish) the job tomorrow if I __(can). I ___(not require) an umbrella if it___ (not rain). If she__ (drink) this medicine, she __(feel) much better. If he ___(do) that again, his father___ (punish) him. If we___ (leave) at once, we ___(catch) the early train. I___ (wear) a purple tie but only if I ___(must). If she___ (be) patient, I ___(try) to explain. He ___(lose) weight if he ___(stop) eating too much. Now the sentences express unrealised conditions with improbable consequences (second conditionals) She ___(get) fit if she___ (walk) to Trafalgar Square. If Peter ___(ask) Mary, I'm sure she___ (marry) him. If they___ (love) each other, they ___(quarrel) so much. He ___(not phone) me here unless it ___(be) urgent. Life___ (be) monotonous if we ___(have) nothing to do. If he___ (need) help, I ___(give) it. If we___ (can) come on Sunday, we ___(come). If he___ (promise) to behave in future, his mother ___(forgive) him. If I ___(think) that about him, I ___(say) so. You___ (make) a fortune if you ___(take) my advice. It___ (seem) nearly such a long way if she___ (walk) fast. If you ___(give) him good meals, he___ (not be able) to work hard. I___ (understand) Mr Brown if he___ (speak) slowly. If she ___(want) to talk to me, she ____(ring up).
SECOND CONDITIONAL ● Použitá literatura: ● English Grammar in Use, raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2000.