Teacher Guide This lesson is designed to teach kids to ask a critical thinking question that you can’t just put into a search box to solve. To do that, we encourage them with smaller questions that search can help them answer. Make sure that you read the notes for each slide: they not only give you teaching tips but also provide answers and hints so you can help the kids if they are having trouble. Remember, you can always send feedback to the Bing in the Classroom team at You can learn more about the program at bing.com/classroom and follow the daily lessons on our Partners In Learning site. In Learning site Want to extend today’s lesson? Consider using Skype in the Classroom to arrange for your class to chat with another class in today’s location. And if you are using Windows 8, you can also use the Bing apps to learn more about this location and topic; the Travel and News apps in particular make great teaching tools.Skype in the Classroom This lesson is designed to teach the Common Core State Standard:
Main Critical Thinking Question © Sakis Papadopoulos/plainpicture
Southwest of India and Sri Lanka, the Republic of the Maldives has become a holiday hotspot during the past 40 years. Fewer than 200 of the 1,192 islands within the 26 atolls are occupied, and most of those cater to the tourism industry, though fishing is still a major economic force. The average elevation of these islands is less than 5 feet above sea level, making the Maldives the world’s lowest country. That low elevation also makes the Maldives the nation at the most immediate risk of annihilation due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. In fact, scientists suggest that some islands in the chain may be underwater at some point in the near future. Very conscious of these threats, the Maldivian government has put into place some of the world’s most aggressive plans to reduce greenhouse emissions, which are thought to contribute to climate change. If all goes as planned, the nation will eliminate or offset all greenhouse gasses it produces by Main Critical Thinking Question
5 Minutes Main Critical Thinking Question