Music Night
Personnel Introduction Julie Seibert John Willingham Rachel Knighten Davian Askew Jane Lamb – Also amazing volunteers who help us!
Importance of Music Education hng hng
Children’s Choir After School, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00- 3:45 If interested, we will start sending a signup link in this Friday’s newsletter from RMCA as we anticipate a cap in students at 40 students. Students will receive proper vocal instruction from Ms. Knighten and Mrs. O’Mahony with warm-ups, singing, and movement.
Girls’ Choir/Boys’ Choir Before School Mondays and Thursdays 7:20- 7:55 Ms. Knighten and Ms. Lester will be leading the girls’ choir Mr. Willingham and Mr. Askew will be leading the boys’ choir We will learn music utilizing different vocal techniques while learning blend and harmony.
Strings Beginning Strings- Before School Tuesdays and Fridays 7:20-7:55 Advanced Strings- Before School Wednesdays and Fridays 7:20-7:55 Method Book: Orchestra Expressions, weekly practice sheets Beginning Strings or Advanced Strings? See me. Unsure of correct instrument size? See Graner tonight!
Band Beginning and Intermediate Band after school Mondays and Fridays 3:15-4:00 Unsure of which instrument? Graner will help test you on instruments tonight! Beginning or Intermediate Band? See John Method Book: Standard of Excellence – Book 1 for beginners, book 2 for intermediate
Percussion After School Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15- 4:00 Mrs. Lamb will be leading this group Instruments are not needed, however a bell kit may be a wise rental choice if a keyboard instrument is not at home Auditions are this Thursday
Guitar Beginner to advanced taught by Ms. Knighten and Mr. Willingham on the stage Wednesdays 3:20-4:00. Bring an acoustic guitar, folder, tuner and picks. Guitars may be kept on the stage or at the homeroom teachers discretion in class.
General Information In the event of a late start, we will NOT have morning ensemble rehearsals If D49 cancels evening activities, we follow suit If you know you will be missing rehearsal but WILL be at school, please let us know so we don’t wonder about your student’s whereabouts
Contact Remind – To join band contacts: to – To join 5-8 choir contacts: to – To join strings contacts: to – To join 2-4 choir contacts: to – To join guitar contacts: to 81010
Fees Fees for all ensembles: $40 for the year Guitar class will be $20 for the year Money will be used to buy concert music, possibly purchase additional instruments (percussion), T-shirts, and provide refreshments for end of the year parties We do not want to discourage people from joining because of fees. Please talk to us after the presentation privately if this is not possible for you.
Rent vs. Buy Graner Music (here today) will have instruments to rent They also have a rent to buy program. Please ask them for more information! If you are considering buying an instrument, please, please talk to us first!
School Instruments We do have a small inventory of school instruments that students can use. We would prefer these instruments go to families who would otherwise not participate because of the cost of renting. We are also pursuing other avenues to obtain instruments as we want as many students to be involved without the issue of cost. Please come talk to us!