iPolicy Authoriser User Guide
General Information What is iPolicy? iPolicy is a web based document control software system designed for storage of policies and procedures. What is an iPolicy Authoriser? An Authoriser is either a divisional head or member of the executive that is responsible for overseeing policies. iPolicy allows authorisers to log in, review the updated policies and procedures and sign off on the documents electronically. When electronically signing off a new or revised document, the authoriser sets the expiry date (3 years from the date of revision). How do I use iPolicy? The following few slides will outline how to use iPolicy to review and approve the policies and procedures you are responsible for.
New iPolicy Documents Any newly developed policies or procedures must follow the governance process as outlined in the Development of Policies and Procedures PolicyDevelopment of Policies and Procedures Policy As outlined in the policy, the author of the document must complete a ‘Request for Development’ form and submit this to the Policy, Procedure and Clinical Guidelines Advisory Group for approval‘Request for Development’ form Once approved, the Advisory Group will provide the author with all the information required for uploading the document into iPolicy iPolicy authorisers will nominate 2 people within their department who will be responsible for uploading all new policy and procedure documents The author of any new policies, procedures or clinical guidelines will pass on the document to the staff member within their department who has been nominated to upload new documents onto iPolicy, ONLY when the governance process is complete.
Updated iPolicy Documents iPolicy authors will receive an alert 3 months before the document is due to expire. This allows the author time to review the document and involve key stakeholders. The author then uploads the revised version onto iPolicy. The Authoriser of the document will receive an alert advising them that a new version of the document has been uploaded. The Authoriser has 14 days to view and approve the document within iPolicy. The Authoriser will receive an alert advising them to review the document if they do not complete this process within the 14 day time limit. Authoriser’s can then log on to iPolicy, review the updated document and electronically sign off on the revised document.
Authoriser Alerts Authoriser’s will receive alert s when an author has updated a document Authoriser’s will also receive alert s 1 month prior to a document expiring. Both Author’s and Authoriser’s will receive an alert the day after a document expires, and weekly until the document is updated.
How do I use iPolicy? General Users (staff), Authors and Authorisers will access iPolicy documents through the iPolicy icon. NB: This is currently inactive. It will be activated when iPolicy is launched in Mid- September
Accessing iPolicy Administration Page This is the general search page to find policies and procedures. Click on ‘Access Admin’ to go through to the Guidance Main Administration page to authorise your documents.
Logging In Enter your Peter Mac Username and Password (same as when you log in to your computer) Click ‘OK’ or push Enter
Guidance Main Page This is the Guidance Main page. Click on the ‘Administrator’ link on the left hand tool bar
Logging in Click on ‘Policies Administrator’
iPolicy Authorisers iPolicy Author’s can ‘Add a New Document’, ‘Manage Existing Documents’ iPolicy Authorisers have access to the ‘Authorise/Extend Document’ page. This page provides information regarding the documents that you are the nominated authoriser for.
Authorise/Extend Document - Authoriser Search 1. Click on ‘Authorise/Extend Document’ on the left hand tab 2. Click on the ‘Search’ button 3. A list of all the documents you are responsible for will be generated 4. Use any of these fields to refine your search i.e. type in the document name as per the alert received
Authorise/Extend Document – Viewing the document Clicking on the author’s will automatically start a new to the author. This can be used if you think the document needs further revision. Click ‘download’ to review the new or revised document
Authorise/Extend Document – Approving the document 1. Once you have reviewed the document and are happy to approve it, click ‘Approve’ 2. Set the expiry date for the document. Note: Generic Expiry date for most documents is 3 years from the review date 3. Click ‘Submit’. The document is now authorised.
Authorise/Extend Document – Generating Reports On the ‘Authorise/Extend Document’ page, click on search to generate a list of all the documents you are the authoriser for Click ‘Print’ to view a printable report of all the documents you are the authoriser for
Who to Contact: If you have any problems with iPolicy please contact: Rosie Hunt ext 5203 or Cassandra Hamilton ext 1046