REGISTRATION & ACCESS Frequently Asked Questions March 2016
Registration & Access Registration and access is a multistep process that will provide users with the credentials to access SHIIP. During this process, users may also request access to a Hospital Patient Care System or HIS, however that process is beyond the scope of SHIIP There are two general processes dealing with registration and access: 1. Legal – This includes the various agreements that require the signature of the legal authority for a site 2. Technical – This includes ensuring a site (or individual user) has the technical requirements to access SHIIP
eHealth Network SHIIP is housed within the authorized eHealth network which offers users a secure and trusted environment to access Personal Health Information. To comply with this practice, users are required to access the eHealth network via Citrix at a local hospital.
eHealth Network - Alternative Some sites utilize a virtual private network directly to the eHealth Network thereby bypassing the need to access Citrix at a local hospital This is method of accessing SHIIP is simplest that enables users to access SHIIP by entering in their web browser without needing to enter their credentials into
To support the future adoption of eHealth assets, the registration process with SHIIP has been modelled in reference to the eHealth process. This is to enable effective change management for sites to adopt the necessary structures. Within this process there are two key roles that need to be established: LRP – Legal Responsible Person LRA – Local Registration Authority Key Roles
LRP Person that signs the legal documents for the site. Complete scope of influence. Is usually the executive director, lead physician for solo practice, etc. Can sign all of the SHIIP agreements and forms. Delegates an LRA if necessary for registration activities. Identifies those users that will require SHIIP access. Validates each user using two pieces of ID. LRA LRP delegates the role to another individual. Validates each user using two pieces of ID. Scope of influence is limited to registration only to sign the user enrollment forms, Can also act as a point person for the site (super user) for issues and coordinating activities with SHIIP helpdesk. LRA vs. LRP
At the onset of the engagement, prior to signing any forms, the SHIIP team will engage the site to conduct a technical and legal readiness assessments. The purpose of these assessments is to ensure that the site has the necessary components to proceed for the latter stages of the implementation. Technical Readiness Assessment: This is to assess the type of access to the eHealth network for the site (VPN or Citrix). This step also reviews whether the site has secure and browser compatibility. MRPs: Senior Program Lead, site technical lead. Legal Readiness Assessment: This is to assess the current legal infrastructure of the site to identify the LRP. The privacy consultant will also review the necessary agreements and forms. MRP: Privacy and Project Management Consultant, site leadership. Step 1: Readiness Engagements
Once the LRP has been identified, the Privacy consultant reviews the Participation Agreement with the LRP. Two copies are required. LRP/LRA Delegation: If the LRP is unable to complete the responsibilities of registration, then the LRP must complete the LRA delegation form to identify the individual. Both parties must sign this agreement. Step 2: Participation Agreement & LRA/LRP Delegation (Mandatory)
The LRP/LRA will distribute the User Enrollment Forms and delegation forms to be completed by prospective SHIIP users. During this step the LRP/LRA will: 1. Validate each user using two pieces of government Identification. 2. Sign each User Enrollment Form. 3. Assist in the completion of the delegation forms (assistance provided by LHIN if needed). Step 3: User Enrollment Forms
The User Enrollment Forms and Delegation Forms can be scanned together in one file and submitted to Forms can only be submitted via the of the LRP/LRA only. Forms that are not submitted via the appropriate will not be processed. It is important that the contact information of the LRP/LRA be up to date. Step 4: Submission of Forms
Once the accounts have been created, the end user will receive credentials to SHIIP (and Citrix if needed) via a three process. 1: Includes the user name(s) for SHIIP and Citrix. 2: Includes the account passwords. 3: Includes a passcode that is used to open the previous two s. The user must update the LRP/LRA of successful log on. If not, then the user must contact Step 5: Receiving Credentials
Who to contact for issues? Users must contact SHIIP helpdesk at Users can also utilize the service desk within SHIIP to submit issues: Support Information
Registration & Access - FAQs How long will it take for my account to be created? Account creation is a multi-step process. Below is an approximation of estimated times (in business days) for each step *This is an approximate time, however processes for this step are outside of the SHIIP teams scope. Total number of estimated days: 2.5 weeks Step:12345 Days:52510*2
Registration & Access - FAQs Do you have Citrix or Remote Login to a local hospital? Please ensure this is included on SHIIP enrollment form. Are you a regulated Health Professional who would also requires access to KGH patient care system? Yes No A SHIIP icon will be located on your hospital citrix or remote access desktop. Complete PCS Access Form and follow instructions as detailed. It is the end-users responsibility to notify SHIIP Help Desk of once PCS Access form has been approved. Yes Citrix access portion of combined SHIIP and Citrix form is required. No
Registration & Access - FAQs What is SHIIP’s Technical Help Desk contact? Who is available for General Project Inquires? Sheyi Badmos, Senior Program Lead Who is available for Privacy related questions? Pat Baldwin, Privacy & Project Management Consultant