Miss Hawkes KS1 Leader Rabbits Class Teacher Mrs Devonshire Otters Class Teacher Miss Allard Badgers Class Teacher Miss Smith Hedgehogs Class Teacher Miss Bore Foxes Class Teacher
Mrs Hollingsworth Teaching Assistant in Rabbits Class Mrs Powell Teaching Assistant in Otters Class Mrs Lawrence Teaching Assistant in Foxes Class Mrs Fordham Teaching Assistant in Badgers Class Miss McKenna Teaching Assistant in Hedgehogs Class Mrs Morton Teaching Assistant in Foxes Class
We want to continue to develop your children as independent thinkers and independent learners.
Morning Afternoon Phonics PE Literacy Science Numeracy Guided Reading Topic (Art, DT History, Geography, RE, PSHE) ICT Free Play
Music PSHE/Citizenship RE DT Outdoor Learning (Will require Wild Area clothes)
Reach for the Stars (History Based) Europe (Geography and Literacy Based) World Weather (Geography and Science Based) Who lives in a house like this? (Science Based) Brilliant Books (DT Based) WHOLE SCHOOL TOPIC (to be decided)
Group reading book- A new group reader will be given to them on their group’s reading day. This is chosen by the teacher at the appropriate level for their reading ability Trolley book- They can choose a book from class trolleys as often as they want to. This can be a good opportunity to share a story and to discuss what might happen next, characters etc. Parents may want to remind their child in a morning to change their book. ECaR
Spellings- TW (Monday) Let’s Talk- Yr2s (Thursday) 2 Minute Talks Class List (Thursday) Mathletics Purple Mash
Each child will be given a planner. This needs to be brought to school every day It contains important information about school. It is used as Home school communication Reading diary Classroom resource
Please make sure that school clothes are easy for the children to take on and off for themselves. Everything has their name in. PE kit to be left at school. Wellies and Wild Area Clothes to be left at school.
Celebration Assembly Individual Certificates- Bronze Silver Gold Teachers Class Tokens Happy/Sad Face
Class Good Work Assemblies Parent/Teacher Consultations Christmas Show Christmas Party Trips and Theme Days Sports Day
Otters 22/10/14 Hedgehogs 4/2/15 Badgers 11/2/15 Rabbits 1/4/15 Foxes 20/5/15
Year 2 SATs May 2015 Year 1 Phonics Screening 2015
Meeting- Thursday 23 rd April Camp- Thursday 25 th June Year 2 Leavers Assembly 1/7/15