Community-Based Instruction and the Transportation Plan! 66 th SESPTC – West Virginia
What is CBI? Community-Based Instruction (CBI) is individual or small group instruction* that takes place in natural community environments and teaches life skills that increase competent functioning and enhance quality of life now and in the future. Community-Based Instruction (CBI) is individual or small group instruction* that takes place in natural community environments and teaches life skills that increase competent functioning and enhance quality of life now and in the future. * Supervision: 1:3 or less for students with severe disabilities and 1:6 or less for students with mild/moderate disabilities.
What is CBI? CBI is an instructional modification to address individual student’s IEP goals and objectives systematically and with sufficient frequency to ensure mastery.
Who Needs CBI? CBI is necessary for any student with a disability who has difficulty applying or generalizing skills from the classroom to natural environments.
How do we know how to ride a train...?
The 3 Domains of CBI Leisure and Recreation Leisure and Recreation General Community Functioning General Community Functioning Vocational Vocational (Community-Based Vocational Education, or CBVE)
CBI is NOT CBI is not a special activity, weekly class outing, or field trip CBI is not a special activity, weekly class outing, or field trip These may all be valid instructional activities, but must not be confused with community- based instruction, which is These may all be valid instructional activities, but must not be confused with community- based instruction, which is regularly scheduled regularly scheduled systematically instructed, and systematically instructed, and designed to meet the individual needs of students. designed to meet the individual needs of students.
Why do we use CBI? CBI is great for... Students Students Parents Parents Educational staff Educational staff The community The community
Stephen 17 years old 17 years old Nondisabled Nondisabled Lives with single parent Lives with single parent Attends high school Attends high school In a single, typical week, Stephen goes...
Home School Bus ChurchGrocery Store Beach Starbucks McDonald’s Birthday Party Bike Ride Friend’s House Walmart Movies YMCA Pizza Hut Skate Park
Jason 17 years old 17 years old Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder Lives in a residential facility Lives in a residential facility Attends school in the same facility Attends school in the same facility In a single, typical week, Jason goes...
SchoolDormitory Leisure Room Dining Room Chapel
CBI allows us to go from this SchoolDormitory Leisure Room Dining Room Chapel
To this... Home School Bus ChurchGrocery Store Beach Starbucks McDonald’s Birthday Party Bike Ride Friend’s House Walmart Movies YMCA Pizza Hut Skate Park For all students
Course Objectives There are benchmarks requiring students to function in the community at all functioning levels There are benchmarks requiring students to function in the community at all functioning levels These standards are clearly reflected in the ESE course descriptions used in the VE Modified, S/C EBD, and Multi VE programs These standards are clearly reflected in the ESE course descriptions used in the VE Modified, S/C EBD, and Multi VE programs
Access Points Examples of context requirements: School Activities School Activities Real-World Situations Real-World Situations Real-World Settings Real-World Settings
How do we implement CBI? Procedures should clearly be outlined in your Special Programs and Procedures for Exceptional Students
Determine Student Need Parent and/or Student Survey: A. What environments do the student’s family and peers access? B. What are the student’s probable future environments? C. In what environments and activities does the student need instruction? D. Are there environments and activities in which the student is not able to participate? 1) What are the barriers to his/her participation? 2) What training/adaptations/modifications are needed to enable the student to participate?
Documenting CBI on the IEP Special Factors : “CBI” statement (“Student will receive instruction in the community…”) Special Factors : “CBI” statement (“Student will receive instruction in the community…”) Objectives requiring instruction in the community Objectives requiring instruction in the community Support Services: Special Education Services Support Services: Special Education Services Special Instruction in Independent Functioning Setting: “Community” Setting: “Community” Frequency should reflect average number of outings
Documenting CBI on the IEP Assessment/Participation/Placement: Assessment/Participation/Placement: CBI is considered time with nondisabled peers CBI is considered time with nondisabled peers Placement based on percentage with nondisabled peers Placement based on percentage with nondisabled peers
Emergency Procedures Emergency Procedures Plan must include A. Contact person at school B. “Student Locator” form C. Means of contact D. Emergency transportation E. Items to carry F. In case of emergency, who contacts parents? Who contacts school? Who contacts school?
Funding for Transportation Middle Schools: Middle Schools: IDEA to purchase Votran tokens or other public transportation High Schools: High Schools: CBI buses provided and funded through VCS Transportation Department School activity buses, when applicable, also funded through VCS Transportation Department Reimbursement for use of school vans through IDEA office
Determine Methods of Transportation Consider post-school outcomes – what methods of transportation will student need to access? Consider post-school outcomes – what methods of transportation will student need to access? If using school or private vehicle– If using school or private vehicle– Requirements through Risk Management when transporting students Requirements through Risk Management when transporting students Student Transportation Department procedures for driving school bus Student Transportation Department procedures for driving school bus Commercial Driver License through Transportation Commercial Driver License through Transportation Student Transportation Department Procedures: “Emergencies & Disasters / School Bus” “Student Supervision” “Student Injuries”
Developing CBI Instruction Monitor student data to determine progress and need for modifications or changes Monitor student data to determine progress and need for modifications or changes Both teacher and para carry out instruction, but teacher is responsible for planning and monitoring instruction Both teacher and para carry out instruction, but teacher is responsible for planning and monitoring instruction