No PAF for most changes of sections: change only visible in HRT LOW QUALITY OF TRACKING PAF but no mobility code If no PAF or memorandum, detachments are not trackable No PAFs for changes of functions only DUE TO Keeping track of internal mobility cases: proposals of improvement for short term actions – 26 Sept CASES RECORDED IN ORACLE HR (PAFs WITH MOBILITY CODE) 98 BASED ON HRT! VS
-> How are internal mobility cases (according to the definition of AC17) registered and tracked? The DAO edits a PAF The HRA checks and signs the PAF The HRAa transmits the PAF to HR-TA-RC for registration in the systems Tracking channels: HRT, PAFs in personnel files or Oracle HR. If presence of the mobility code on the PAF, registration in Oracle of the change as a mobility case The DAO communicates the changes to HR-TA-RC HR-TA-RC registers the changes in the systems Tracking channels: HRT, personnel file (if a copy of the is made) or Oracle HR. OR Keeping track of internal mobility cases: proposals of improvement for short term actions – 26 Sept DepartmentHR FrontlineHR Records Office Department HR Records Office
Better quality of tracking/overview of the personnel movements Gain of effectiveness: 3 stakeholders with clearly defined roles, 1 chain of action PAF compliance …FOR… Keeping track of internal mobility cases: proposals of improvement for short term actions – 26 Sept. 2013
RECORDS OFFICE DAO CREATION 1 CHECKING CHECKING REGISTRATION SIGNING 3 FRONTLINE FILLING/ COMPLETING FIELDS (E.G. IM CODE) Contact if missing info. (including mobility code) 2 Keeping track of internal mobility cases: proposals of improvement for short term actions – 26 Sept. 2013
DAO DAO FOR REGISTRATION -> PAF (COMMON DOC. FOR MOVES OF 2+ STAFF MEMBERS) -> PRECISE NEW FUNCTIONS IF CURRENT ARE MODIFIED OR FRONTLINE (HRAa) RECORDS OFFICE FOR INFORMATION + CHECKING OF MOBILITY CODE IF CHANGE OF FUNCTIONS Keeping track of internal mobility cases: proposals of improvement for short term actions – 26 Sept Contact if need of additional info. Or Frontline not on cc STANDARD
Developed by S.Palluel in 2010 in the frame of the project on the new PAF templates and presented to the GTPA Stored in a SharePoint accessible to the DAOs and the HRAas.SharePoint