GPG Keysigning Party NSA Museum Trip GPG KeySigning August 2, Presented By CALug Ubuntu Maryland LoCo
GPG Key Signing Event What Is It? How will it be organized? What do you do after the event? What do you need to bring?
What is a key signing party? A key signing party is a get-together of people who use a public key encryption system such as GnuPG/PGP with the purpose of allowing those people to sign each others keys.
Pre-Event All participants will their key(s) to be signed to with the subject line "NSA Museum" The deadline for ing keys will be Sunday July 27 th. By July 29 th a signed text file with all the key ids and their fingerprints will be ed to the participants along with the MD5 sum of the file.
Pre-Event (2) The MD5 will also be available on the Ubuntu- Maryland event page (by chuckfrain). Confirm that your key id is correct in the list and print it out. Reply with any corrections by 5pm July 31st. If an updated list is needed it will be sent by 11:59pm July 31 st. An event keyring will be mailed to all participants July 31 st and MD5 posted
At the event We will have a printout of the MD5 sums for the list and keyring to confirm against. We will have each attendee confirm their key is correct by reading the keyid and stating that the fingerprint on the list is correct.
At The Event (2) We will line up in order of the list and have the line double back on itself to check IDs. You will mark your own list after checking the id of the other participants. Once done, store your checked list in a safe place.
After The Event Retrieve the public keys. This can be from the event keyring or public keyservers. Sign the keys of those you verified at the event. If you have any post event confirmation you perform, do that then sign the signed keys to their owners. Import signed keys as they are sent back to you and publish as desired.
What Do You Need To Bring? List of key fingerprints that you printed out. You need to bring at least one government issued photo ID. A passport, drivers license, state id are the most common. Pen/Pencil to check off your list with. (Optional) Your key fingerprint on slips of paper.
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