The Quest for Empire
Big Idea Between 1865 and 1914, America grew increasingly expansionist. As expansion became imperialism, the United States became involved in crises and wars around the world.
Imperial Promoters: The Foreign Policy Elite and Economic Expansion Foreign Policy Elite Foreign Trade Expansion
Ideology, Culture, and Empire Race Thinking Male Ethos Missionaries The Civilizing Impulse
Ambitions Abroad, 1860’s-1880’s William H. Seward’s Quest for Empire International Communications Anglo-Canadian-American Relations Sino-American Troubles Pan-American Conference Alfred T. Mahan, Navalism, and the New Navy
Crises in the 1890’s: Hawaii, Venezuela, and Cuba Annexation of Hawaii Venezuelan Boundary dispute U.S. Interests and Revolution in Cuba The Maine McKinley’s War Decision
The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War and the Debate over Empire Motives for War The U.S. Military at War Dewey in the Philippines Treaty of Paris Anti-Imperialist Arguments Imperialist Arguments
Asian Encounters: Open Door in China, Philippine Insurrection, and Japan Open Door Policy Philippine Insurrection and Pacification Japanese Expansion Anti-Japanese Bias in California
Latin America, Europe, and International Rivalry Economic Hegemony in Latin America Cuba and the Platt Amendment Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary U.S.-Mexico Relations Under Diaz Anglo-American Rapprochement
Americans in the Great War
Big Idea As the war began, America declared its neutrality. When events drew the nation into the contest, Woodrow Wilson announced that the country would fight to make the world safe for democracy.
Precarious Neutrality Outbreak of the First World War Taking Sides Trade and Loans Wilsonianism British Violations of Neutral Rights The German Submarine and International Law
Submarine Warfare and Wilson’s Decision for War Secretary Bryan’s Resignation Gore-McLemore Resolution Peace Advocates Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Zimmerman Telegram and Mexican Revolution War Message and War Declaration
Taking Up Arms and Winning the War The Draft and the Soldier Indian Enlistees Commission on Training Camp Activities Trench Warfare Problems of Venereal Disease AEF Battles in France Casualties
Mobilizing and Managing the Home Front Business-Government Cooperation New Agencies for Economic Management Economic Performance Inflation Paying for the War Labor Unions and the War Women in the Work Force African American Migration North Race Riots Influenza Pandemic
Emergence of the Civil Liberties Issue Committee on Public Information Espionage and Sedition Acts Imprisonment of Eugene Debs Roger Baldwin and Free Speech
The Bolshevik Revolution, Labor Strikes, and the Red Scare Intervention in Russia against the Bolsheviks Labor Strikes and the Red Scare Palmer Raids
The Peace Conference, League Fight, and Postwar World Obstacles to a Wilsonian Peace Paris Peace Conference League of Nations and Article 10 Critics of the Treaty Senate Rejection of the Treaty and the League Collective Security Versus Unilateralism Unstable International System