Unit 1 Child development from conception to seven years © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
AC 1.1 Describe stages of development from conception to birth. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes in the first year. AC 1.1 Describe stages of development from conception to birth. AC 1.2 Explain routine checks carried out during antenatal care, postnatal care and the first year of life. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Write a meaning for each of the words found. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.1, 1.2] Time: 10 mins Complete the word search on the accompanying Starter activity worksheet. Write a meaning for each of the words found. Discuss these with a partner. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Important stages of pregnancy LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.1] Important stages of pregnancy Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the mother’s last period. Pregnancy last 37 to 42 weeks (the average is 40 weeks). By 12 weeks of pregnancy the foetus will be fully formed. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. At 24 weeks the foetus is considered ‘viable’. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.1] Time: 15 mins Research on the internet for images of stages of development from fertilisation to the end of gestation and make a timeline. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.1] Time: 20 mins From the timeline you have produced, discuss as a class the various stages of development. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Antenatal development checks LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Antenatal development checks Before antenatal care was first arranged, the death rate was high among women and their babies. Antenatal care helps to improve the health of pregnant women and their babies and supports the mother in preparing for her baby. Once the women thinks she is pregnant, she visits her doctor to confirm her pregnancy, and from then on will be seen regularly by a GP or midwife. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Research each test and the reasons for them. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Time: 15 mins Research antenatal checks that a women has each time she has an antenatal visit to the GP or midwife. Research each test and the reasons for them. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
What are the principles of antenatal care? LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Time: 10 mins Using the information you have gathered from your independent research, work in small groups to share your information and discuss and answer the following questions: What are the principles of antenatal care? What tests are made on the urine samples? Explain the purpose of the ultrasound scan. Explain the purpose of amniocentesis. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Postnatal care The mother will be assessed by a midwife before she leaves hospital for the ‘baby blues’, any pain or fatigue. The midwife will then check with the new mother again six weeks after the baby’s birth. This check will look at weight, urine testing, blood pressure and a breast check. Mothers will be offered a rubella vaccination if they were found to be not immune during their pregnancy. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
The baby will also will weighed and have a hearing screening. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Postnatal care Before the baby goes home the paediatrician will check for certain things. Jaundice, thrush, nappy rash, that baby has passed meconium and is not constipated or has diarrhoea. The baby will also will weighed and have a hearing screening. How well the baby is feeding will be monitored. After ten days the baby will be discharged from the midwife’s care to that of the health visitor. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Observations of limbs and head Skin Stools – meconium Eyes LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] The first year of life The newborn baby will have a number of observations and checks in its first hours of life. These will include: Apgar score Observations of limbs and head Skin Stools – meconium Eyes Umbilical cord Weight, length, head circumference. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Newborn babies also have a number of screenings carried out. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] The first year of life Newborn babies also have a number of screenings carried out. Guthrie test – performed on the seventh day to detect phenylketonuria (PKU) and cystic fibrosis – this is a heel prick to obtain a sample of blood. Barlow’s test – check by the midwife then the paediatrician to check for congenital dislocation of the hips. This test will be repeated by the health visitor and GP at the 6-week developmental check. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
It will record all the baby’s immunisations. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] The first year of life All babies in England will be given a Personal Child Health Record (PCHR). This is has a red cover and is often referred to as ‘the red book’. This will track the baby's progress and is shared between all the professionals. The red book will record the baby’s height and weight on a centile chart. It will record all the baby’s immunisations. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Research what a centile chart is and why and how it is used. LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Time: 15 mins Research what a centile chart is and why and how it is used. Discuss with the rest of the group your findings. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Time: 10 mins In a group of four, read the scenario below then plot a centile chart and answer the questions. Millie was born at term on 12/10/13, weighing 3.6 kg, head circumference 34 cm. When Millie was 8 weeks old she weighed 4.8 kg. Her mother brought Millie to the clinic on 21/8/14 concerned about her weight gain. Millie weighs 8.5 kg and her length is 71.4 cm. What was the weight centile at birth? What was the head circumference centile at birth? What was the weight centile at 8 weeks? How old is Millie on 21/8/14? What is her weight centile on 21/8/14? What is her height centile on 21/8/14? © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Immunisation All children are offered immunisation to prevent childhood infections and the contraction of serious diseases. These immunisations start from 2 months old up until a child is 3 years 4 months. There is a routine schedule that is followed for all children, as well as a schedule for those at risk, which offers Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis (BCG) vaccines. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
LO1 Understand development from conception to birth and routine screening programmes for the first year of life [AC 1.2] Time: 15 mins Produce a plan of all the observations, checks, screenings and immunisations that are given to a baby from birth until they are one year old. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Have learned about antenatal development checks In this lesson we: Have examined the stages of development from fertilisation to end of gestation. Have learned about antenatal development checks Have looked at the postnatal care Have looked at routine checks for the baby during the first year of life. © Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Why as a practitioner is it important that you are aware of postnatal care? Why is it important that a baby/child’s weight, length and head circumference are recorded regularly on a centile chart? Why is important that parents are aware of all the screenings and immunisations that a baby will have in its first year of life? © Hodder & Stoughton Limited