The ability to read and write
How do you think education was controlled? What was the purpose of education in the middle ages?
Boys of noble birth only Studied grammar, rhetoric, Latin, astronomy, philosophy, arithmetic and geometry Run by the Church
Knights taught to read and write Focus on physical training
How did the limits on education affect society? Politics? Economics? Did it affect political control? How?
Split in Catholic Church driven by politics Urban VI and Clement VII both claimed to be Pope Effects: wars between states, peasant uprisings and concern of Church corruption
John Wycliff (Oxford): criticized abuses and false teachings of the Church, spoke against sale of indulgences and transubstantiation Jan Hus (Prague): Church officials should only hold spiritual power, not earthly, against sale of indulgences
Accepted the resignation of both claims to the Papacy (Benedict XIII and John XXIII) Elected Martin V as the new Pope, ending the schism Declared John Wycliffe and Jan Hus heretics and excommunicated them Hus was burned at the stake Wycliffe died of a stroke
Future Popes continued to sell indulgences to raise money Pope Alexander VI had several children Supposed to be celibate? Archbishop of Mainz (Ger) purchased his title In debt = allowed sale of indulgences
Martin Luther- priest at University of Wittenberg Parishioners began to buy indulgences Claim they no longer had to repent Luther wrote 95 Theses to summarize his grievances with the Church
Invented in 1441 by Johannes Gutenberg Movable type Production increase 40 pages/day to 3,600 pages/day
Used printing press to spread pamphlets and copies of the bible Increased literacy Better access to classical canons (official body of rules) How did the printing press help the Reformation? Do you think the Reformation would have succeeded without the printing press?