Our Purpose God brought the Lamoille Valley Grace Brethren Church into existence for the purpose of: Exulting our Lord Jesus Christ This happens through daily personal and family time in prayer and searching the Scriptures. This happens corporately as the family of God gathers (on Sundays and Wednesdays etc.) (Acts 2:41-47; Proverbs 8:34-36; John 4:24; Hebrews 10:24-25)
Our Purpose Edifying Christians This follows worship of God. We are to love each other, encourage the fainthearted, admonish the unruly, and build each other up. (John 13:35; 1 Thess. 5:11-14; Hebrews 10:24-25) Evangelizing non-Christians This happens through each person’s personal witness to non-Christians; through personal evangelism, mission team efforts, and ultimately in church planting. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Our Purpose Equipping Christians for service The role of the Elders is to train God’s people to serve Him. Preaching, teaching, Bible study, and prayer are the means. (Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11- 16)
Last Year's Goals 1st YEAR GOALS 2011: Local: To have our local church make 5 disciples (saved, baptized, brought into membership, and growing in the framework of organized accountability, or somewhere in the process of all of the above). Average attendance between To have a full-time pastor.
Last Year's Goals By engaging in follow-up which is crucial (we need to develop a system that the church family knows): list names, pray for them, invite them, know next point of contact; visitors introduced by church attenders; talk about salvation; invite to individual and/or small group Bible Study (Basic Bible Study; George Zeller 10 week study; Statement of Faith Study; Gospel of John Study); baptism, membership, continued discipleship (2 Tim 2:2).
Last Year's Goals Make a list of three friends, and pray for them. contact these friends invite them to church, give literature (tract, church brochure, etc.) follow-up within the next two days (discuss tract, etc.) repeat by having the new Christian make a list of three friends By increasing general fund giving to an average of $ /week. $ By increasing mortgage payment by $ /year $2,874.50
Last Year's Goals By identifying a potential new elder. Rand Pelton, James Begin By preparing to launch a children's outreach program (WOL, AWANA, Heritage Girls, etc.) through raising the needed money and training the leaders to do it. By building a resource library for Bible studies and Biblical counseling, and be training church members to do these ministries.
Last Year's Goals By having an outreach event(s) and having the whole church body involved in the outreaches. Circus To be open and friendly so that every Sunday is friendship Sunday (fellowship time after church and members inviting visitors home for a meal will help with this). By being more visible in town using direct mailings. By enabling members to better use their gifts to build up the body.
Last Year's Goals By having a discipleship coordinator in each of our churches who will encourage individuals to “adopt” visitors. By seeing new leaders and personnel involved with MOPS, etc. Jackie Begin, Andria Benjamin Pastor/Members to get list of people that missed church that Sunday and follow-up via phone or visitation weekly
Last Year's Goals Deacons to visit shut ins and sick/recovering/hospitalized people weekly and/or contact via phone (+ a card?)
Last Year's Goals Region: To identify and pray for next target area(s) for a church plant. Greensboro area By praying for the future team of an evangelist and pastor to be raised up. By raising up personnel from our own churches. By supporting Irasburg in accomplishing their goals.
Last Year's Goals USA: To move the Kran family to AZ so Jeff can begin evangelizing and making disciples in harmony with CGBCI doctrinal positions. This Spring By having Jeff begin to develop training materials and courses to equip other men in Jewish evangelism and culture.
Last Year's Goals By praying for a future Grace Brethren pastor to be raised up as a teammate. By continuing to Support Pastor Jeff with $ / year. By supporting Irasburg in accomplishing their goals.
Last Year's Goals Foreign: To have Craig preparing for mission work among an unreached people group. Cameroon trip. By challenging two (2) young people to complete a mission exposure course. By praying for the formation of the future team. By Supporting New Field Development with $ / year. By supporting Irasburg in accomplishing their goals.
Goals for nd YEAR GOALS 2012: Local: To have our local church make 5 additional disciples, for a total of 10 (saved, baptized, brought into membership, and growing in the framework of organized accountability, or somewhere in the process of all of the above). Average attendance between By engaging in follow-up (see 1 st year) Make contacts (see 1 st year) By maintaining general fund giving of an average of at least $ /week.
Goals for 2012 By increasing mortgage payment by $ /year By installing a new elder By launching a children's outreach program (WOL, AWANA, Heritage Girls, etc.) By continuing training for Biblical counseling ministry. (see 1 st year) By having an outreach event(s) and having the whole church body involved in the outreaches
Goals for 2012 By being a friendly, inviting church (see 1 st year) By being more visible in town using direct mailings. By enabling members to better use their gifts to build up the body. By having a discipleship coordinator in each of our churches who will encourage individuals to “adopt” visitors. By seeing new leaders and personnel involved with MOPS, etc. Follow-up visitors (see 1 st year)
Goals for 2012 Deacons to visit shut ins and sick/recovering/hospitalized people weekly and/or contact via phone (+ a card?) Follow-up visitors (see 1 st year) Train people to do a job and let them do it. Delegating to accomplish visitation (e.g. Deacons responsible to check on certain # of people).
Goals for 2012 Region: To begin Bible Study(s) in target area(s). By having men ready from within the body to lead the Bible Study(s). By supporting Irasburg in accomplishing their goals.
Goals for 2012 USA: To see two (2) new Jewish or Gentile families made into disciples in AZ. By working to recruit men to take Jewish evangelism courses. By Supporting Jeff Kran with $ / year. By supporting Irasburg in accomplishing their goals.
Goals for 2012 Foreign: To have Craig preparing for mission work among an unreached people group. By challenging four (4) young people to complete mission exposure course. By praying and recruiting for the formation of the future team. By Supporting New Field Development with $ / year. By supporting Irasburg in accomplishing their goals. Additionally: To be involved in Irasburg's Biennial Missions Conference; To begin deputation in churches.