Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information Bryn Mawr Howard MIT Princeton Purdue Stanford Texas A&M UC Berkeley UC San Diego UIUC Center Activities and Broader Impacts Wojciech Szpankowski Center Director 1 National Science Foundation/Science & Technology Centers Program/December
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information 2 SCIENCE OF INFORMATION builds on Shannon’s principles to address key challenges in understanding information that nowadays is not only communicated but also acquired, curated, organized, aggregated, managed, processed, suitably abstracted and represented, analyzed, inferred, valued, secured, and used in various scientific, engineering, and socio-economic processes. CSoI MISSION: Advance science and technology through a new quantitative understanding of the representation, communication and processing of information in biological, physical, social and engineering systems. Claude Shannon laid the foundation of information theory, demonstrating that problems of data transmission and compression (i.e., reliably reproducing data) can be precisely modeled formulated, and analyzed.
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information 3 Extend Information Theory to meet new challenges in biology (life sciences), data sciences, economics, social sciences, and distributed systems. Understand new aspects of information (embedded) in structure, time, space, semantics, dynamic information, limited resources, complexity, representation invariant information, and cooperation & dependency.
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Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information Research: To provide mechanisms for synergistic research and development of foundational principles, methods, and applications of science of information. Education: To educate and train the next generation of practitioners. Diversity: To deeply engage students, researchers, and affiliated personnel from underrepresented groups in all aspects of the project. Knowledge Transfer: To facilitate seamless transfer of knowledge to the broader academic and commercial world.
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information 6 Collaborative Graph 2015
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information Legacy of new collaboration between different disciplines: Example: Metabolic Phenomena (Ramkrishna, Subramaniam, Raginsky, students) Aging Process (Grama, Subramaniam, students) Legacy of new collaboration within the same discipline Examples: Genomic Compression (Milenkovic, Weissman, Lynch, Wang), Multiterminal Source Coding (Courtade, Verdu, Weissman) Legacy of educating new crops of researchers ( Courtade,Grover,Kostina,Oshman,Polyanskiy,..) Example: Conservation of Information? (Polyanskiy and Wu) Legacy of new research directions - information theory in life sciences (e.g., Tse, Goldsmith, Coleman, Subramaniam, Bialek) - information theory in data modeling (e.g., Courtade, Wiessman) Legacy of formulating new foundations: - security (Kumar) - structure (e.g., Szpankowski, Grama, Subramaniam, Courtade, Neville) - temporal information (e.g., Verdu, Kostina, Polyanskiy) - value of information (e.g., Sims, Raginsky, Szpankowski) 7
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information 8 Information Knowledge Data Framing the Foundation Practice inspires Theory Theory guides Practice
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information 1.Summer Schools ( Purdue, 2011&2013, Stanford, 2012, UCSD, 2014 &2015, Duke, 2016)) 2.Center Wide Fellows ( Courtade, Ma, Wang, Kamath, Javanmard, Padakandla, Shkel, Magner, Shomorony) 3.CSoI graduated 188 students (postdocs, grad and undergrad) 4.Information Frontiers Curriculum & Learning HUB ( 18 new courses ) (data information knowledge) 5Intro to Science Information ( BMC, Howard, Purdue, EAFIT, GWU, online) 6Student Res. Teams (11) & Workshops NSF TUES Grant and Teaching Workshops Channels Scholars Program (Undergrad Mentoring) 9Supplement REU and Professional Development 10. Retention Efforts at the Graduate Level 11. Recruitment of Underrepresented &US Citizens as Postdocs 12. Feature Articles on Diversity in STEM 9 K. Andronicos Integrate cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research and education efforts across the center to advance the training and diversity of the work force B. Ladd D. Kumar M. Ward
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Center for Science of Information NSF Science & Technology Center Broader Impacts 2,731 participants in CSoI student training events from 116 universities (red dots) 3,555 total course enrollment [new CSoI courses at 18 universities (blue dots, 1,286 students) + existing courses with new CSoI content (2,269 students) ]
Center for Science of Information NSF Science & Technology Center Summer Schools – Purdue 2012 – Stanford 2013 – Hosted/Organized NASIT 2014 – UC San Diego 2015 – UC San Diego with NASIT 2016 – Duke with NASIT 559 students Impact broader student community
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information Professional Development Networking Mentoring Unconscious Bias Broader Impacts 13
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information 24 registrants from 10 universities Week long intensive Recruiting opportunity Networking and community building Intro to grad school 14
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information o “Factors influencing women's participation in computer science fields using a life course perspective” IEEE Transactions on Education o “Using Life Course Theory to Frame Women and Girls’ Trajectories Toward (Or Away) from Computing” 2015 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings o “Charting a Course into the Science of Information” Available on the CSoI website 15
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information CSoI members brought $1M funding from industry CSoI & Bell Labs Workshop, September 2013 Industrial Workshop, Chicago, 2013 International collaborations (LINCS, ETH, Helsinki HIIT) Brown Bag and research seminars, Prestige Lecture Series Special issue in Proceedings of IEEE on SoI. Special Session on SoI – CISS’ 12 Princeton, ITA 2014 SoI Day (all partners have hosted) Challenges & Opportunities SoI: A Symposium, NAE, Irvine, 2014 Article about CSoI activities in IT News Ananth Grama Develop effective mechanism for interactions between the center and external stakeholder to support the exchange of knowledge, data, and application of new technology.
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information –Science of Information Workshop and Stanford Compression Forum, Stanford (Feb 18/19, 2016) –Science of Information Day, Princeton (September 2015) –National Academies Workshop: Research Workshop, Challenges and Opportunities for the Science of Information, Irvine, CA (August 2014) –STC Professional Development Workshop, August, 2015 & 2016 –2016 Summer School: 9th North American School of Information Theory, (Duke University in partnership with CSoI), June 21-23, –Introduction to Scientific Computing with iPython, August 25, 2015, University of Hawaii-Manoa, August 10, UC San Diego –Workshop / Science of Information for Life Sciences Data, June 22, 2015, Purdue University –Bryn Mawr College Science of Information Undergraduate Research Day and Picnic, May 2015, Bryn Mawr Campus 17
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Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information ,419 page views/ Impressions (Includes and social media sites for twitter, Facebook, and Youtube). The Center’s video tutorial and seminar content remains particularly strong with about 10,000 views annually. Social media properties including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+ have followers totaling almost 900. We expect continued rapid growth in this area. Visitors come from all over the world with 130 countries/ territories represented. Visitors from all 50 states and 2 territories also visited SoIHub.
Science & Technology Centers Program Center for Science of Information Bryn Mawr Howard MIT Princeton Purdue Stanford Texas A&M UC Berkeley UC San Diego UIUC Thank You 21 National Science Foundation/Science & Technology Centers Program/December 2011