Fhany Aprilia Rismanino Chandra Introduction
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ??? Organization Manager Management Process
Kegiatan dari Management Process Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Controlling
Apa Pentingnya HR ?? Menghindari Kesalahan Personal Menambah Keuntungan dan Kinerja Menghabiskan waktu sebagai HR Manager HR untuk Entrepreneur
Line and Staff Aspects of HRM Authority Line Authority Staff Authority Line Manager Functional Authority Staff Manager
HR MANAGER’s DUTIES A Line Function A Coordinative Function Staff (assist and advise) functions
New Approaches to Organizing HR Transactional HR Corporate HR Embedded HR Centers of Expertise
Cooperative Line and Staff HR Management An Example
THE TRENDS SHAPING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Trends So Companies Must Be Employers Will Therefore Expect From HR Management That They Globalization Increased Competition More High-Tech Jobs Technological Innovation More Knowledge Work More Competitive Faster and More Responsive Organized around empowered teams Quality Conscious Focus more on big picture issues such as helping the company achieve its strategic goals. Create high- performance work systems.
Globalization & Competition Trends “The bottom line is that the growing integration of the world economy into a single, huge marketplace is increasing the intensity of competition in a wide range of manufacturing and service industries.”
Indebtedness (“Leverage”) & Deregulation
Technological Trends
Trends In The Nature Of Work
Workforce & Demographic Trends Trends Affecting Human Resource Demographic Trends Geeration “Y" Retirees Nontraditional Workers Workers From Abroad
Economic Challenges and Trends This means challenging times ahead for employers. The challenging times mean that for the foreseeable future— and even well after things turn positive—employers will have to be more frugal and creative in managing their human resources than perhaps they’ve been in the past.
The New HR Managers HRM Yesterday and Today They Focuse More on Strategic, Big Picture Issues The Use New Ways to Provide Transactional Services They Take an Integrated, “Talent Management” Approach to Managing HR They Manage Ethics They Manage Employee Engagement They Measure HR Performance and Result They Use Evidence-Based HRM They Add Value They Have New Competencies HR Certification