Energy Poverty Source Book
Lack of Access to Electricity OCED/IEA Energy Poverty (WEO 2010) Lack of access to electricity (Developing countries = identical with worldwide) billion Lack of access to electricity (in rural areas)1.227 billion (85%) Lack of access to electricity in Africa Lack of access to electricity in SSA Lack of access to electricity in Dev. Asia Lack of access to electricity in Latin America 587 million 585 million 799 million 31 million Electrification rate in Africa Electrification rate to electricity in SSA Electrification rate in Dev. Asia Electrification rate in Latin America 42% 31% 78% 73%
Cooking with Traditional Biomass OCED/IEA Energy Poverty (WEO 2010) Cooking with traditional biomass2.679 billion Traditional biomass ratio rural areas82% People relying on traditional biomass in Africa People relying on traditional biomass in SSA People relying on traditional biomass in Dev. Asia People relying on traditional biomass in Latin America 657 million 653 million million 85 million Share by region in Africa Share by region in SSA Share by region in Dev. Asia Share by region in Latin America 67% 80% 55% 18%
Lack of Electricity Access/Cooking with Biomass Practical Action Poor Peoples’s Energy Outlook 2009/ 2010 Lack of access to electricity (worldwide) (Legros, 2009)1.5 million (22%) Non-electrified population in Africa [4] [4] Asia Lack of access to electricity (rural) [5] [5] World: 63.2% Africa: 22.7% SSA: 11.9% Dev. Asia: 67.2% Middle East: 70.6% Cooking with traditional biomass and coal 3 billion (of which around 75% use 3 stone fire) Improved cook stoves penetration rate (for solid fuel users) (Legros et al.) 27% worldwide 6% in Africa
Impacts and Consequences Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves / 2010 People using dirt, inefficient stoves or open fire3 billion, 500 households Impacts, Costs, etc. Premature deaths due to indoor air pollution1.9 million/year BY THE NUMBERS: 5: Indoor air pollution is the fifth biggest health risk in the developing world. 2 million: number of people who die worldwide each year from exposure to cook stove smoke. 3 billion: nearly half the people in the world use polluting, inefficient stoves to cook their food each day. 16 seconds: how often cook stoves smoke claims a life.
Access to Electricity and Cooking Fuels WHO-The Energy Access Situation in Developing Countries. A Review on the Least developed Countries and Sub-Saharan Africa (November 2009) 2009 Lacking access to electricity1.5 billion Lack of access to electricity in LDC79% Lack of access to electricity in Sub-Sahara74% Cooking (solid fuels)3 billion Lack of access to modern fuels in LDC91% Lack of access to modern fuels in Sub-Sahara83%
Impacts & Costs WHO-The Energy Access Situation in Developing Countries. A Review on the Least developed Countries and Sub-Saharan Africa (November 2009) Impacts, Costs, etc. Annually deaths from pneumonia, chronic lung disease, and lung cancer, and 99% of them occur in developing countries almost two million 44% children, 66% adults, 60% adult women 38% directly linked to solid fuel use (50% in LCD) Relying on solid fuels for household use45% of world population Access to electricity and to modern fuels for cooking also varies dramatically among countries in the same region in sub-Saharan Africa, less than 1% of people in Burundi, Liberia, Mali, Rwanda, Somalia, or Uganda have access to modern fuels, but 83% of people in South Africa have access. In rural areas of the developing countries access to modern fuels for cooking and access to electricity is considerably lower than in urban areas. urban: 70% (90%) rural: 19% (59%)
Electricity Access and Solutions Lighting Africa Home Page Lacking Access to electricity1.6 billion (IEA) Lack of access to electricity in Africa 589 million As of 2009, grid connections in Africa stood at just 35%. Of African on-grid population, more than a third experience frequent blackout and are considered "under electrified". Solar portable lanterns could address the lighting needs of 49% of the of-grid households in Africa (or 54 million households). More information, Impacts, Costs, etc. Costs for lighting: African households who are off-grid spend 4.4 billion Dollar/year on kerosene (or 54% of their expenditure on lighting). African poor rural households and small businesses currently spend 10 billion Dollar on lighting annually,
Energy Access UN Energy Home Page Lacking access to electricity Approximately 28% of people in developing countries.... and 1 billion more only have intermittent access. Lack access to electricity LDC70% Lack access to electricity in Sub-Sahara70% Cooking (solid fuels)some 2.7 billion people More information, Impacts, Costs, etc. Two million deaths each year are associated with burning solid fuels in unventilated kitchens. Some 44% of those who die are children, among adults deaths, 60% are women. Energy is the single biggest contributor to climate change: Energy accounts for 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions.