Curriculum for Excellence Coatbridge High School
Janie O’Neill, Head Teacher Charlie O’Donnell, SQA
What is the Curriculum for Excellence? It is a change in approach- not a change in content It is about preparing our young people to compete for jobs in a 21 st century global marketplace It is about enhancing skills such as how to work in a group and how to present information to others
What does it mean for your child? Your child in S3 is currently experiencing a Broad General Education As a school and in line with the principles of CfE we introduced an element of personalisation and choice at the end of S2
As a school we want to ensure that we add value to our young people’s educational experience and meet the range of needs that we have here in Coatbridge High
In S3 pupils have continued with English, Maths, a Social Subject, a Science and a Modern Language They then chose a further three subjects which they were interested in progressing further They are currently studying 8 subjects in S3
Pupils have been working at the Third and Fourth level of their Broad General Education in S3 There will be no external exams in S3 in 2013 except for Standard Grade English At the end of S3 pupils will have an opportunity to review their courses as there will be a further ‘choice point’ as we move into the Senior Phase
Pupils have were asked in November to give us some feedback on their initial thoughts in terms of the 7 subject they would like to continue with in S4. It is important that you are aware that no decisions have been taken at this point The choices will be discussed in detail with them in February
Senior Phase 2013/14 In S4 your child will be doing National 4 and/or National 5 qualifications which replace the Standard Grade and Intermediate qualifications For some pupils it may be more appropriate for them to study at National 3 level In S5/6 your child can progress to Higher and pick up further National qualifications Standard Grades and Intermediates will no longer exist
Why are qualifications changing? CfE has been running in Scottich secondary schools since 2010 and has brought a new way of learning into our school equipping our learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in a global marketplace in the 21 st century
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has designed new qualifications which will help learners demonstrate and recognise the skills, knowledge and understanding they’ve acquired at school
Changes to the qualifications Current Replaced by Access 1 and 2 – National 1 and 2 Access 3, SG Foundation – National 3 SG General level, Inter 1 – National 4 SG Credit level, Inter 2 – National 5 Higher will be replaced by new Higher
Coatbridge High School Committed to providing an education which will meet the range of our young people’s needs Our aim is to provide opportunities for depth and challenge in S3 which will allow pupils to progress seamlessly into the Senior Phase